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"we have two guest bedrooms, hyuck and mark can take one and chenji can take one." jeno started to explain the sleeping arrangements. "renjun can take my parents room, since he's the only one i trust there." he admitted. "ayeong can take my room." all the tired boys nodded, heading up the stairs to their arrangements. usually, hee and jaemin would sleep together at the sleepovers, but jaemin has obviously left their group at the moment.

she assumed that she would be sleeping alone, but she was surprised to see jeno walk into his room behind her.

"don't tell me you thought i'd sleep with one of those grotty boys. jaemins not here, so maybe i can finally enjoy a sleepover tonight." he joked. the girl just opened her arms, and he dived into her bed, laying in her hold.

"why do you get to be the little spoon!" ayeong complained, as he laid on her chest. "because i support women's rights to break the gender norms. hashtag feminist." he joked, which made her pour turn into a small half smile. "ugh fine." she scratched his head.


"i'm sure you two slept well, while donghyuck was on top of me all night." mark glared at the happy teenagers coming down the stairs.

"man get over it, you literally sleep talk." haechan replied. "jokes on you, i was wide awake talking to myself- because i was going insane under your ass." mark honestly answered. hyuck just made a face before biting into his toast.

"what do you guys wanna do today? should we invite jaemin and hayoung?" started jisung, now that everyone was down stairs.

"how do you know their together?" renjun asked. "they are in the same place on snap maps right now." chenle replied in jisungs place.

ayeong felt uncomfortable. she didn't like him being in a relationship at all.

"it's okay- he's going to take her home today i assume, she's slept over at his house for like 3 days in a row." mark said. "when he's done we can go and pick him up. we've never been close with any of his girls, why start now." jeno justified.

she was glad that they were on the same page as her, and they agreed to keep a distance from the new girl.

"let's go to the soccer field, we can play there for a while." haechan suggested, and all the boys nodded contently at his idea.

"i'll text jaem." mark said- and they all got ready to go. ayeong was still in sunwoos hoodie and her trackies from the day before, so she asked jeno for another hoodie and she took a pair of his sweatpants to wear. she was basically swimming in his clothes.

they all stood at the door waiting for jisung to finish changing, and as soon as he stepped out of the spare room they opened the door and headed out. he just rubbed his nape and followed them out slowly.

chenle tossed the ball up and down as the treaded down the sidewalk as a group to the field.


im at my dads house rn and it's so hot kms his heater is on liek 28 degrees

im at my dads house rn and it's so hot kms his heater is on liek 28 degrees

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