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ayeong was now cleaning haechans cuts while the other dreamies sat around them talking and laughing, and ayeong was lightly scolding hyuck quietly. "why would you hit back? be the bigger person. now look at you." she told him.

jaemin, who was sat alone at another seat in the nurses room, watched them sadly. he knew that he fucked up, bad. he missed ayeong, so so much, and he didn't know how to get her back.

his heart hurt to see her cleaning hyucks wounds instead of his, and that she was laughing all the way over there, at renjuns joke, while he was alone.

she was the one who would deal with jaemin when he would fight with someone, and now she wasn't there. when he called hayoung- she said she was at a shopping centre with her friends since she and she wasn't able to come back to school again. he realised that he was in the wrong this entire time, and he knew he had to fix this.

it was 8th grade, and jaemin had just fought with sung noeul from across the street. it was something stupid, but jaemin was angry about it. he punched noeul straight in the face and then came to ayeongs house right after. she sat him down on the counter top and fixed up all the spots that needed it, while also scolding him about being reckless.

he missed it, and he couldn't believe he was losing his best friend.

once all the dreamies and haechan left, ayeong noticed jaemin with his head down fiddling with his fingers. she saw the cuts along his face and lips that needed to be taken care of, but he didn't know how. she just sighed and walked over, lifting his face up to look at her. "this is gonna sting." she warned him.

jaemin was shocked, he couldn't believe his eyes. the girl that he just demeaned in the hall, was directly in front of him, treating his wound. he felt like a absolute dickhead for ever hurting an angel like her.

he just watched her beautiful face with her eyebrows furrowed, helping him.

"where's hayoung?" she asked him, as she put the medical equipment away. "she's shopping with her friends." he admitted, resulting in a scoff from the navy haired girl. he had no reaction. "go home, jaemin. it's late," she told him, leaving the room.

it broke his heart to see how blunt she was being with him, when she would once rant for hours in front of him, about anything and everything. it dawned upon him how fucked up he was treating her.

he needed to fix this.

but he didn't.


cliff.. hanger... LOL😂😂

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