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the two entered the school gates with 20 minutes to spare, carrying ice coffees in their hands.

jaemin liked the caramel one, and ayeong liked the vanilla one; they were twins in enjoying the deluxe iced coffees.

"are we going to tell the dreamies?" she asked jaemin quietly. "of course! neither of us can lie," he snickered.

"speak for yourself. i lie every time i say i love you." she joked, making his jaw drop. "why are you so mean to me!" he pouted.

"don't cry about it, pussy." ayeong laughed.

"whatever. there's renjun!" jaemin pointed, seeing one of his close friends walking into the school building. "he's so far and i cannot run right now. i'll see him first period." she told him.

"you're so lazy!" he complained. "not all of us play striker in football." she rolled her eyes.

"anyway, we're getting our senior jackets tomorrow, what did you write on yours- i don't remember what you told me." yeon asked him.

"i wrote 'nana' on the back of mine, what about you?" he mentioned. "i wrote 'yeonz', but i regret adding the z" she said to him.

"i can't believe we're graduating in a few months, it doesn't feel real at all. i have no clue what i'm going to do after high school." ayeong expressed.

"you're right. i'm so used to this routine i have no idea how i'll survive uni." jaemin agreed.

"i'm not really worried though, i think i'll figure it out. i saw taeyong figure it out four years ago." she smiled positively.

"taeyong is crazy smart though, he got scholarships for every uni in the country." ayeong shrugged at his words.

"we aren't dumb. we'll just pay like everyone else and go to a decent college, and live our lives." she explained, earning a nod of the head by jaemin.

"i'll meet you at your locker, yeah?" jaemin asked as he began to take off his bag. she nodded and walked away, going towards her own one.

she opened the lock and placed her black backpack inside, taking a sip of her coffee. there was time left before first period started, so she was going to see if she could find the others before school.

she shut the door of her locker and turned in the direction she was walking in to see jaemin heading her way.

she walked over to him slowly, grabbing his hand when they reached each other. "lets go to renjuns locker, i bet the others are there." she told him, earning a small nod from jaemin.

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