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ayeong stood at her locker, taking out her books for frost period, noticing from the corner of here the familiar head of blonde hair. she now turned her head completely to see jaemin walking to his locker, with hayoung from last night. she was surprised, as she was completely attached to him, and he didn't even attempt to shove her off. he was smiling, and he even leant down to kiss hayoungs forehead before she walked away.

then, jaemin spotted her, and he walked over. "hey yeon, sorry i didn't pick you up today, hayoung slept over. she's so good in bed." he spoke out. she visibly cringed at his words. "all good nana, don't worry taeyong dropped me off." he nodded, ruffling her hair before walking to his first period.

something about this morning made her uncomfortable. she didn't know why, or what, but she felt out of body. it was weird, and she really didn't like it.


ayeong sat in her usual seat, waiting for chaeyoung to make her appearance in their class. the class started filling up, and the teacher was still yet to come. then, the long blonde hair of her close friend was spotted, and in walked chaeyoung. "morning yeongz." chaeyoung said, sitting down. "hi chae." she replied back, feeling even more tired then she did in the morning. her headache had now been overpowered by an unnecessary throat pain, and she even sounded slightly raspy.

"you okay? you sound off." she started, looking at her friend. "yeah bro i'm all good, just a bit tired." she played it off, earning a nod from her peer. chaeyoung knew something was up, but she would investigate later.

"now, students must go online and begin to draft their major assessment task of the semester. work hard for the next forty minutes, this is the last class we have before this turns to homework." miss oh said, and the students opened their devices to begin their work.

ayeong was still really uncomfortable, and sluggish like before, and she couldn't stand being in the classrooms. renjun, who was sat a couple seats behind them with his friend minho, noticed her awkward shifting in her chair and turned to minho. "you know chaeyoung, sat at the front? how do you feel about her?"


renjun sat beside his close friend, now hearing chaeyoung and minho hit it off in front of him. "the teacher can't see you here, niki and soobin cover us up. you can sleep if you want." he smiled at the girl, who just thanked him happily. he connected his airpods and played music while working.

renjun heard the light snores of the girl beside him, and he lightly patted her head while continuing to work on his block of writing. he even made a mental note to help her with the work during an after school face time he was planning.

"okay, make sure this is finished by next week, class dismissed."


i wish i had a renjun but i go to an australian school where we have a bunch of annoying short guys☹️☹️ anyway guys if you never see me again it's bc i got 50% on my maths test my mums gonna beat my ass! i swear i'm not dumb bc no one scored higher than 60% one of my friends got 17%😭😭

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