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ayeong was kicking the rocks on the pavement outside of jaemins house, where he ran in to change and grab his stuff for school. he waited for her to get ready in the morning, aka he just laid in her bed watching as brushed her hair and put on uniform. nothing he hasn't seen before.

now, it was her turn to wait- and although he didn't do much, it still took years for him to get ready. he was just a genuinely slow person. generally a bit behind on everything besides soccer.

she saw him as he put his shoes on and locked the door, clicking his keys to open his car. "cmon, let's go." he said, opening his door and sitting in the drivers seat. she walked around to her side, getting into the passenger seat.

"i missed having you as a passenger princess, hayoung would always complain about my reckless driving- but you always just silently hold onto the sides," he said. she scoffed. "dude, i only do that because if i distract you more i might just die." she admitted, earning a laugh.

"get on aux- play our shared playlist." he told her, reversing out of the parking spot. she nodded, going onto the car screen to connect her phone via bluetooth.

she shuffled, and the first song that came up was one of their all time favourites- irresistible by one direction. they both screamed that song again for the first time since they had fallen out- and it hit so hard.

jaemin was there for her when one direction disbanded, and her 12 year old self will forever be grateful for that. he learnt to cook and made her pancakes the day that zayn left.

the two had now arrived in school, and he took a deep breath. "i need to apologise to all of them." he said. "yeah you do, especially to hyuck- you really hurt him, and yourself." while scolding him, she pressed down on his bruises to make him squirm, only to remind him of the stupid stuff he had done earlier. "ow!" he complained making her laugh.

"there's 20 minutes before class. go apologise to them and then we can go." she said, letting him walk in front of her.

they approached the group, and it surprised all of them to see ayeong walking with jaemin again.

ayeong stood quietly behind jaemin as he apologised to all of them, sincerely. ayeong tuned out the whole conversation, as she looked around the halls- biting the inside of her cheeks.

"cmon, ayeong." jaemin said, pulling her under his arm. "since when were you two friends?" chenle asked. "since last night." jaemin replied. "ugh i wish i could still be pissed of at you but i legit just can't." renjun said, grabbing jaemins arm and patting it, before walking to his locker.

they all went off to go to their classes, seeing as class started in 5 minutes.

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