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it was now recess and jaemin slouched to their usual lunch table, with ayeong holding his bag as well as hers. as soon as they sat down, the two girl from last night came up to him, trying to get onto his lap. jaemin immediately shrugged them off, way to tired to entertain them.

he rested his head on ayeongs shoulder, and told her to scratch his head, since it was his favourite thing ever.

it wasn't the first time jaemin came to school insanely tired, and it definitely won't be the last. the boy always had a hang over, and all the boys already knew that he was tired from his previous nights antics.

ayeong took on her motherly role today even harder than she usually does. she was the boys mom. everyday she would bring whatever she thought the boys would need, since she was well aware they relied on her a lot.

she cut jaemin and jisungs food into little pieces, since she knew that they had training and needed to eat well.

"ugh ayeong you're such a pick me, why do you wanna be one of the boys so bad." renjun joked, joining the table and slumping down on his seat. "well, jun- 95% of the girls here think i'm dating all of you at once, and every time i talk to a boy you guys come running in to take me away." she mocked, making renjun laugh, knowing he was a culprit of keeping her away from all boys.

what she said was true. almost every girl at that school hated her, since she was always around the dreamies. she chose to ignore it, because she knew better than anyone how often she would shit on them for mistreating girls.

the ones who didn't hate her she was friends with. it was a group of quieter girls, who kept to themselves. there was about ten of them, and every time she got fed up by the boys antics she would go and sit with them on the grass. one of them, chaeyoung, she spent a lot of time with. they had chemistry together, and they got along pretty well.

"yeong?" she hummed at chenle. "are you coming to our practice?" she nodded her head, not looking up from her book. while the others spoke, she tuned in every so often to get a feel of their conversation, but still she stopped when they started talking about boy stuff.

the book she had been reading for the past week was coming to an end, and she was quite upset at that. she loved the plot and the characters, and it kept her busy when she was bored.

"ayeong- thanks for being so nice to me today. i love you." jaemin mumbled into her shoulder. "all good nana." she said. he lifted his head up quickly. "why didn't you say 'i love you too'? do you hate me?" he asked. ayeong laughed at him. "sorry jaem, i love you too." she told him. making him feel content, so he laid down on the table, closing his eyes.


the soccer team had a closed practice, meaning that ayeong shouldn't of been there. but, since jaemin was the captain, and she was familiar with their coach johnny, she was always aloud to visit their training.

ayeong laid on the bench completely, watching her phone. johnny was sat down right beside her head, looking at something on his clipboard. johnny was a teacher, but he was only like 5 years older than all of them, and plus, he was best friends with taeyong. ayeong was really comfortable at their trainings.

the boys all can out of the changing room, now dressed in their soccer uniform. the soccer team consisted of the dreamies, a boy named soobin, a boy named eric and a boy named sunwoo.

ayeong would be lying if she said she didn't have a crush on sunwoo. he was really hot, and also really flirty. he played soccer almost as good as jaemin, and ayeong would always catch herself watching him, instead of following the ball. this caught jaemin off guard plenty of times, not understanding what she saw in him.

sometimes, when they would be on facetime, she would talk about how well he played soccer, and jaemin would get pouty saying that he was much better than him. she agreed, as he was the captain for a reason.

ayeong noticed that all the boys drink bottles were completely empty when she was walking by, so she decided to stop by the convenience store down the road. she went into the change room and grabbed the hoodie that jaemin was previously wearing, before treading down the road. the boys were focused up on their drills, and she didn't want to bother them by announcing that she was going.

she just told johnny and headed out.

as ayeong walked to the small mart, she listened to girls day on her headphones. she blasted the song loud, to block out the wind roaring loudly. it was really cold. she wishes that she had brought some pants too. the school skirt did absolutely nothing to shield her from the autumn breeze she was feeling.

ayeong arrived at the market, and she grabbed out 9 bottles of water, and some snacks to give to the boys.


this book is bad😐 rip

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