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she still was pissed though. as soon as she was finally getting over her stupid feelings for him, it all came crashing down when he started to care about her again, and he apologised to her with tears.

she could never hate him, he was her other side.

the pair had finally reached up the stairs, and they walked into her neat bedroom. "are you gonna sleep over? i'm tired, and we have school tomorrow." she asked him. he just nodded his head, climbing into her bed like he always did.

"i missed your bed." he joked, his head deep into her soft pillow. she giggled, resting her own head on her side, while pulling the blanket on top of her and him.

"good night, jaem." she said, she could hear him shuffling to turn over, and she opened her eyes- only to let out a yelp when he pulled her close to him. "so we fall out for a couple months and you don't wanna cuddle anymore? sucks." he said, pushing her head against his chest. "bum." she said back, wrapping her arms around his stomach.

she was tired, so she passed out immediately. all it took was jaemin to play with her short hair- and she was out cold. it still made him upset that she decided to cut her gorgeous hair off, but it wasn't his choice to make.

he was so busy being inside his own head about what he imagined hayoung to be like- that he didn't see his soul mate in front of him. it was like his eyes were closed and all he could hear was hayoungs whiny voice.

they were each others rock. every time something bad happened, or something good happened, or they wanted to talk- they were there for each other when no one else was, and they were both unknowingly losing themselves completely when they didn't interact at all.

she loved him, and he loved her.

maybe- not as much as she loved him, yet.

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