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ayeong laid in her bed, scrolling through instagram. it was 10 o'clock, she had just eaten dinner, cleaned her room and showered, feeling amazing.

she needed a refresher, and that's what she did.

until- she heard a knock on the front door. being home alone, she went to go grab the handle, assuming it would be taeyong back from uni.

to her utter surprise, it was jaemin, with tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes. he had a hoodie over his head, and he walked into her house tackling her into a tight hug.

"yeon, i'm so so sorry. i don't deserve you." he mumbled into her shoulder. "i'm sorry for hurting you, and leaving you behind for her. she was the worst, but i was blinded by who i thought was my first love. all along it was you, and i love you. more than anyone else, and i never want you to hate me again. i hate myself for doing what i did, and i really hope you can let me back into your life. i love you so so much, more than you can imagine." he confessed. ayeong was shocked, but she still hugged him back. all the time she had spent hating his guts had now flew out the window.

"it's okay, nana. i love you too." she told him honestly. it may have been the longest time they were ever away from each other, and he may have been a dickhead to her, but she wasn't going to leave him like that, they were still the children that loved each other more than anything, but fought more than anyone else.

"but please, don't do me like that again bro." he was now laughing, and she wiped the tears from his eyes, grabbing his arm and dragging him upstairs. while walking, her hood fell of her head- resulting in her short her falling out.

jaemin stopped upon seeing this, absolutely shocked. "what? why'd you stop?" she asked. "your hair, you cut it?" he asked, surprised, and slightly sad.

"i just wanted... a change." she lied to him. "don't lie to me. i know you heard what i said the other day, you were right in front of me." it was now her turn to be unhappy. "i'm so sorry yeon. i'm such a dickhead. you told me how much you loved your hair." he rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands.

she wasn't going to excuse this, but she was happy that he was aware of what he had done wrong. "you really fucked me up jaem. it'll take me a while to completely get over it, and-... but it's okay." she had to cut herself off, since she nearly confessed her feelings to him.

she was happy to have him back though, since she was crashing without him.

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