~ Soulmate ~

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Deciding that it would be better to just place the entire lunch fiasco on hold to freak out later, I enjoyed the rest of the day and classes with Damian and Chloe. That being said, everything after lunch basically went like this:

"Damian, get your mutt paws off my Mari!"
"Tt. No."
"I swear Wayne, I will castrate you if you don't let go of her hand!"
"Again. No."
"Mari, why are you allowing this uncultured mutt physical affection?!"
"Umm, Chlo..."
"Because she can, now be silent, demon."

Add in a lot of glares, smirks, and constant blushing from me while the entire Gotham Academy stared at us as if hell had frozen over, and you have my entire afternoon on our introduction tour of Gotham Academy. 

Honestly, I have never felt happier than I do when Damian is tugging me closer with a devious smirk, even if it is just to get a reaction out of Chloe. 'But, unfortunately, all things must come to an end... Now I'm starting to sound like a Shakespearean tragedy. Ugh.'

"All French students who are visiting, please make your way toward the front of the school," a voice said over the intercom in our final class. Glancing at Chloe, we both sighed before packing up our school supplies. Damian reluctantly let go of my hand, after giving it one final squeeze (the one he has been holding on to since lunch) with a sigh of his own, before suddenly ripping out a page from his notebook and scribbling something on it. 

"Here. Demon, take care of her," Damian demanded as he handed me the now folded page and glared at Chloe. "Like I needed you to tell me that, katana mutt," Chloe snapped before tugging me out of my seat and toward the door. Keeping my eyes locked on Damian, I quietly followed behind her, already feeling cold and a bit numb from the loss of sparks I had been feeling all day.

"Come on, Mari-bug. You can call your boyfriend once we're back at the hotel," Chloe teased, making me snap my head toward her and blush crimson. "No, no, no, Chloe. Damian is just a... friend, not-not my boyfriend. We only just met!" I rambled, trying to think straight as my mind spiraled.

"Uh-huh. And the fact that you two have literally been attached at the hip this whole day and that he basically had his arm around you in every class means nothing at all. Not even to mention when he oh so gallantly pulled out a sword to rescue you at lunch like a knight in shining armor," Chloe teased with a sly smile and twinkle in her eye.
"Chloeeee!" I whined as I buried my head in my hands, begging the earth to swallow me whole.

"Relax, Bug. I'm only teasing, and I promise I won't tell the others until at least the first date. Happy?" Chloe happily teased, wrapping her arms around me in a side hug. All too soon, we were facing our idiotic class, Mme Bustier, and thankfully our new tour guide. Mrs. Whitestone motioned for us to come closer before she turned to address the rest of the class. 

"I am happy to report that no teacher had any problems with you all. Due to this..."

"What about Marinette and Chloe? They threatened Lila at lunch!" Rose suddenly exclaimed while the sheep sent us glares.

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