~ Soulmates & Impressions ~

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"Hello, Robin." I tell Damian with a warm, soft smile. This made Damian release a deep sigh before he looked at me with pure adoration in his eyes. "Hello, Ladybug." Damian replied so softly, it was like saying those words were a secret in itself.

Marinette Prov.

"I see you figured it out." I answer in a small voice, curling into Damian as he holds me tighter once more. "I want to tell you a story." I start to say after a few seconds of silence, taking a deep breath of his musky scent, trying to calm my nerves. "You do not have to Angel. I do not wish to bring you pain." Damian whispered as he drew comforting circles on my back once, making me smile softly at him before taking another deep breath.

"Once upon a time, in a land far away there lived a young girl. This girl was shy and clumsy and dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. It was her whole life. But because she was so shy, she got bullied a lot. However, she never let that bring her down and always tried to be kind and helpful to everyone who crossed her path. For many years she was happy being the girl in the background, but fate had other plans for her."

"On a day much like every other day of the young girl's life, she saved an old man who would have been killed and it was that act of selfless bravery that granted the young girl magical powers. At first, the young girl didn't want the magical powers and tried to get rid of them, but the guardian of those magical powers just would not give up for she decided that this young girl was her chosen one. And so the young girl accepted her new magical powers and the responsibilities that came with them as she and her faithful partner fought against an evil villain."

"Until one day, another villain appeared. This villain was sneaky and sly and she needed no magical powers to render the young girl helpless. And so the young girl felt all alone in the world, but again fate had other ideas and played its tune once more for that young girl soon had a friend that no villain could ever remove from the young girl's life. The two friends became sisters, and soon more joined their small family. The young girl, now a Great Guardian of the magical powers she grew to love, bestowed upon her small family magical powers to aid her in her fight against evil only for a dark truth to be revealed. The young girl's oldest partner and friend betrayed her. Thus the final battle between good and evil began."

"Mari, you do not need to continue. We... I saw the final battle and every battle before then. It was how I figured it out. It amazes me that no one else did when your pigtails were a dead giveaway along with your unique bluebell eyes." Damian whispered as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Shh. No interrupting the story Damian." I shush him making him chuckle before squeezing my thigh for me to continue.

"The final battle was hard and the young girl almost gave up, but her sister in all but blood would not let her, and thus the final battle ended with the young girl as the victor. Only the young girl still had an enemy to defeat. One where she could not use her magical powers for that enemy was nothing but mortal. This would be the hardest battle the young girl had ever fought."

"Seeking aid from a faraway kingdom, the young girl discovered something amazing. Her soulmate and true partner. A black cat with emerald eyes that had secrets of his own. Together, with family and friends by their side, they battled the young girl's enemies along with the black cat's annoying mother and lived happily ever after." I concluded the story, holding my breath as I waited for Damian to either freak out or dismiss the soulmate's information.

"Mother really pissed you off if you added her into your ... wait. Soulmates?" Damian asked with his damn swoon-worthy smirk. "Umm. Yesss." I answer nervously, lowering my eyes and begging the earth to swallow me whole again since this is just too embarrassing. "So not only did Mother bind us together, your magical guardian also matched us together?" Damian asked with a slight teasing tone. 

"Umm. Not exactly. It was more like fate or the universe decided and not Tikki and Plagg, who I still need to find, but Tikki told me that we would be drawn to each other and become very protective of each other and love each other unconditionally but I promise that nothing between us was faked or a lie. I wanted to get to know you for you and vice versa. Wow, that sounded so cringy and cliche. What I mean is that what I feel for you is genuine love and not some magical bond forcing us together although it did kinda help me find you. But never mind that. I love you. Not just for being well you, but also you soul and who you are and..."

I started to rabble while trying to explain everything and freaking out that he might think that what we had was nothing but a magical lie, only to feel his lips on mine causing me to freeze. When I felt him start to pull away, I pushed myself forward, sealing our lips together once more while my eyes fluttered closed. 

It was like heaven answered each of my prayers and I wanted more. As our lips danced together in a slow, hesitant dance my hands moved into Damian's hair and behind his neck, pulling him closer. When I felt Damian ask for entrance, I granted him access immediately, wanting him closer. We fought for dominance and of course, Damian being the smug-ass he was, won but the joy of finally kissing him soothed the sting of defeat immediately. All I felt was the pleasurable electricity running through us as we lost ourselves in one another.

The need for air soon forced us to separate, both of us breathing hard. "I believe I've found my new favorite way to silence your ramblings Malak." Damian whispered against my lips, making me smile. "Less talking." I breathe, causing Damian to claim my lips once more in a heated kiss. 

This time when Damian asked for entrance, I teasingly refused making him nip at my bottom lip before moving me so that I was straddling him. The movement made me gasp which Damian took full advantage of and once again we were fighting for dominance while tightening the hold we had on each other. As we lost ourselves in the kiss, I tightened my hold on Damian's hair slightly making him groan in approval and tighten his hold on my hips.

"I see you two could hardly wait."

'And there goes the mood.' I think in pure pissed annoyance as both Damian and I turn toward the door where a wanna-be demon bitch stood with a smug smile.

Edit: 2024/10

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Edit: 2024/10

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