~ Bitch-In-Law ~

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

"Bitch-in-law." / "Mother." Damian and I say simultaneously with equal amounts of annoyance. "Now, now you two. Is that any way to thank me for the gift I gave you?" Talia asks as she moves toward the chair with she sat on earlier that day. 

Acknowledging that she wasn't leaving soon, I moved off Damian's lap and sat on the arm of the armchair while glaring at the woman in front of me. As soon as I was comfortable with one arm around Damian's shoulders, Damian wove his arm around my waist once more, giving his mother a bored look.

"It is good to see you happy Damian." Talia tells Damian, making me roll my eyes. "You would have seen him happier if you left us where we were." I snap, having had enough of the small talk and just wanting her gone. Damian squeezes my hip as a slight warning but doesn't correct me causing his mother to give us a slight glare which I return tenfold. 

"So quick to fight daughter. Aren't you missing something?" Talia sneers, making me go into attack mode. "Where is she?" I growl at the bitch. "Tt. In time." Talia answers with a scolding tone making me glare at her harder as I start to shake with the effort it was taking not to trottle her.

"I wish to know my new daughter. Is the such a crime?"  Talia continues, dismissing me which caused Damian to glare at his mother while tightening his hold on my waist as a precautionary measure. "Damian, remove that nasty glare from your face. It is not appropriate when addressing your mother." Talia now scolds Damian.

'Fine then. Let's see who the bigger bitch is.' I think before forcing myself to relax and smile dangerously sweetly at Talia. "Damian, I don't see Seline so do keep that glare would you?" I loveling ask Damian who shoots me a curious look, before removing all emotion from his face and looking at his mother in pure boredom again.

"My wife has requested something be returned to her. I suggest you complay Mother." Damian commands, making me tilt my head in mock innocence at Talia. "Now, Bitch." I add with another sweet smile. "Careful. I am not someone you want as an enemy." Talia threatens. 'Bad move.' I think as I slowly rise from my seat while glaring with pure hatred at the women before me, not noticing that the air around me turned colder as a dark sinister aura surrounded me. 

"You do not threaten me, demoness. You have no power here and you will do well to remember who is standing before you." I say with a voice filled with power from each Kwami under my care.

I watch as Talia turns five shades paler than she was with smug satisfaction. "Tikki. Now." I growl out as I feel my guardian power lasing out, seeking the missing pieces within me. "Mari? Malak, you need to breathe. Marinette breathe!" Damian says in a slightly panicked voice as he turns me to face him once more. Bluebell met emerald, and I felt the power within me slowly calm. 

"We will get her back." Damian whispers into my ear as he leads us back to our armchair. Once we're seated again and Damian has a more secure hold on me, either to prevent me from killing his mother or to prevent his mother from retaliating, he turns to Talia again with a cold glare that would send armies fleeing for their lives. "My wife has spoken."

"Fine. I'll get the bug!" Talia growls, still looking sickly pale, before storming out of the room. As soon as she was gone, I felt all my energy leave me causing me to slump against Damian who instantly looked at me in concern. "Habibi, are you alright?" Damian whispers, cupping my cheek with his one hand as his thumb lightly caresses my cheek. 

"I'm not supposed to use my powers when I'm not in my transformation. The magic isn't focused, so it drains a lot of energy out of me." I explain softly as I lean into his hand. "Then do not use it, Habibti. I will deal with my mother." Damian comforts me as he pulls me slightly closer.

"So many new nicknames you have for me, mari aimant." I whisper in a teasing tone making Damian blush. "Will you tell me what they mean?" I ask as I close my eyes and lean more into Damian's warmth. "Perhaps in time, Malak." Damian whispers in answer as we sit in a comforting silence, only for the demon from hell to disturb our moment again. Straightening up, I look at Talia with an expectant eyebrow.

"Your bug." Talia says as she throws a cage into Damian's lap which I snatch instantly. Looking into the cage I see Tikki who was glaring at Talia with icy eyes. Snapping my eyes toward Talia once more, I growl in a near-animalistic voice, "Key." Damian rubs comforting circles and patterns against my waist as he stares at his mother with another glare. "That monk has it. You asked for your bug, you have your bug. You did not specify that the bug needed to be free." Talia calmly replies with an arrogant smile once more on her face.

"We're setting Plagg loose." Tikki announced suddenly as she turned to look at me with concerned eyes. "Agreed." I answer as I smile at my oldest friend, sticking one finger into her tiny cage to pet her head in comfort. "Plagg?" Damian asked as he looked at us with curiosity in his eyes while his face remained blank. 

"You're going to love him amour." I answer with a smirk as Tikki lets out an adorable squeal. "And this is Tikki? From your story?" Damian asks once more as he looks at Tikki more closely. I only give him a small nod as I continue to smile at my Kwami with affection. "Thank you." Damian tells Tikki with a slightly bowed head which shocked both Tikki and Talia.

"You are a good one, Heir of Demon." Tikki acknowledges, with a small bow of her own as she smiles at Damian. "I would prefer if you called me Marinettes husband. I take far more pride in that title." Damian tells Tikki making her instantly snap toward me, silently asking for confirmation. Nodding with a smile, I look at Damian with pure love in my eyes which made Tikki squeal again only to turn to Talia with a glare and point her hand at her. 

"For your involvement in my chosen's kidnapping and forced marriage, I will allow Plagg free reign as retribution for harming his chosen and his chosen's mate." Tikki declares making Talia pale once more. I could swear I saw her soul leave her body. "Is Plagg dangerous?" Damian whisper-asks me making me chuckle. "Ever wonder why Dinosaurs went instinct?" I answer with a smirk as Damian looks at me with wide eyes. 

Suddenly the building started to shake, making me cling to Tikki's cage as Damian pulled me into him in order to shield us with his body. "What is going on Mother?" Damian demands as explosions start to go off in the distance. "I had nothing to do with this. The monks won't dare retaliate." Talia answers as she stands and gets into a defense position, shortly followed by Damian and me, as we hear people approaching the room we're in.




'Reinforcement finally arrived.' I thought as the bedroom door burst open and three pairs of arms surrounded me in a tight hug.

"You're late." I tell them with a giggle as Damian glares at the males hugging me like I would disappear if they released me.

Edit: 2024/10

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Edit: 2024/10

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