~ Week Before Gala ~

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3rd Person Prov

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3rd Person Prov. ~ Monday

The sun had bearly raised when the sound of two voices echoed through the Wayne Manor.

"I told you to have the case ready! This will be done by two this afternoon. I'm paying you to do your job, not sleep on the job! I don't care if this is your first case or your hundredth case! The investigation on Lila Rossi and the French class on their tour at Wayne Enterprises should have been finalized yesterday!" A male voice boomed, furious as he yelled into his phone

"Je t'avais dit de préparer l'affaire ! L'affaire contre Lila Rossi sera portée devant les tribunaux vendredi ! ... Comment ça, ça a été retardé ?! ... Est-ce que tout votre département est idiot ! ... Passez Claude au téléphone. ... Je m'en fiche s'il est occupé ! Savez-vous qui je suis ? ... Claude, qu'est-ce qui t'a poussé à mettre ce stagiaire sur mon dossier ? Voulez-vous vraiment être du mauvais côté de la chérie de Paris ? ... Non, ALORS FAITES VOTRE TRAVAIL !" A french voice echoed a few minutes later. (I told you to have the case ready! The case against Lila Rossie is going to court on Friday! What do you mean it has been delayed?! Is your entire department moronic! Put Claude on the phone. I don't care if he's busy! Do you know who I am? Claude, what made you put that intern on my case? Do you really want to be on the bad side of Paris's sweetheart? No, THEN DO YOUR JOB!") 

As terrifying as the two young adults were, the effect was destroyed to everyone within Wayne Manor when a bluenette was seen running along with the pacing blond, measuring tape in hand and a bagel clenched between her lips as she wrote her findings down.

"Chloe, will you stand still for five minutes!" Came the sudden yell from a fed-up Marinette when she had to correct her measurements for the fifth time.

"Do you think they even notice that they're still in their PJs or is this just to be comfortable while threatening the entire population of Gotham and Paris?" Dick asks curiously as he takes a sip from his coffee, only for it to be snatched by a pacing Tim, who was yelling at another set of lawyers who apparently misspelled Marinette's name on her and Damian's wedding certificate.

"Honestly, I don't care. It's far more amusing to watch Pixie-pop running after the blond brat," Jason comments, also taking a sip of his coffee, only for his cup to be stolen by said Pixie as she holds different fabrics against the pacing blond, only to throw them to the ground in frustration.

"Richard! It's fabric time!" Marinette suddenly yells, after throwing the last piece of fabric she had over her shoulder, turning on her heel, and grabbing his car keys from Alfred's hand. "Wonder if she noticed she's still in her PJs?" Dick asks, amused, only to run as they hear his car starting.



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