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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Nervously running my hands down my dress to get out any last wrinkles, I smile as Chloe takes my hands in hers.

"You look beautiful, Mari-Bug. And if that demon mutt of yours doesn't faint at the sight of you, then Gami is going to behead him," Chloe reassuringly tells me, making Gami behind her nod in agreement before giving me a smile.

"We're going to knock them dead, girls," Stephanie gushes as she takes in each female in the room. "Now, the boys are waiting around the middle of the stairs for us. We're going first since we're well-known Waynes. Then Chloe, then Kagami, and finally you, Mari. This should make that class of yours especially green with envy. After that, you just enjoy your night as we slaughter some sheep," Barbara instructs with a glittering smile.

"Breathe, Mari," Cassandra whispers as she passes me on her way out of the room, making me smile in gratitude toward the smirking Waynes.

"Breathe, Mari," Cassandra whispers as she passes me on her way out of the room, making me smile in gratitude toward the smirking Waynes

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3rd Person Prov.

Every high-end millionaire and influential person in the world was gathered under the glistening chandelier of the Wayne ballroom. Some had come to sponsor the cause, others for their moment of fame in the papers the next morning. However, everyone in the room was eager to see the supposed fiancée of the youngest Wayne since an article on the hush-hush matter was released yesterday by Lois Lane-Kent, a close family friend of the Waynes.

Everyone in the ballroom quickly realized, though, that they should stay as far away as possible from a group of teens dressed in clearly low-quality formal wear, who, for lack of a better description, seemed to follow a sausage-haired girl like lost ducklings, as she told every soul unfortunate enough to be within arm's length that she was Damian Wayne's fiancée.

"Welcome, everyone. Honored guests, as we celebrate another year of bettering our world," Bruce Wayne announces, Selina Kyle standing at his side with a wide smile. "We introduce our children and their partners, not that you need much of an introduction," Selina jokingly tells the crowd, making everyone in the room chuckle with her.

"Barbara Gordon-Wayne," Selina announced as Barbara was rolled in by Alfred, making everyone smile at the woman.

"Barbara Gordon-Wayne," Selina announced as Barbara was rolled in by Alfred, making everyone smile at the woman

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