~ And ... We've Been Kidnapped ~

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

'Marinette...Marinette...Marinette...' a voice echoed. 'Who are you?' I asked, searching the darkness for the source of the voice. 'Wake...destiny spoke....must...balance...' I heard the voice try to say as it grew softer and further away from me. Reaching out into the darkness blindly, I suddenly felt warmth behind me. Turning toward the warmth, I was suddenly engulfed in a white light.

Opening my eyes, I quickly close my eyes again to block out the blinking light. Blinking a few times to get used to the light, I slowly sat up only to grab my head as a pounding headache took over. "What? Ugg. Tikki?" I whisper, hoping that she would be able to help with the pain only for my memories to slam into me. 'Did we get kidnapped on our date?' I ask myself already hearing the lecture Chloe will be giving me when she gets her hands on me. "Tikki?" I say a bit louder as I survey the room I was in.

'Huh. Expensive bedding. Red and green decorations. Dark furniture. No windows. Two doors, probably locked. Aaannnddd I'm all alone. Great! Guess I'll have to rescue Damian and find the Kwamis'. Next time our date is in the fucking garden.' I mentally rant as I slowly get out of the surprisingly comfy bed.

 Heading toward the closest door, I slowly turn the doorknob only for the door to actually open. 'Huh. Did not expect that.' I think to myself as I walk through the door. 'And it's a bathroom. Human trafficking? Possibly. Random kidnapping? Definitely.' I rationalize as I rummage through the bathroom, looking for anything I could use as either a weapon or a possible lockpick. 'Damn. These people are clever.'

Moving back into the bedroom, after not finding anything useful, I try the second door only to find it locked. 'Surprise, surprise.' I think rolling my eyes. "There has to be a way out." I whisper as I move through the bedroom this time. Lightly tapping on the walls, I run my hands along the wallpaper lining hoping for a secret passage or hidden door. After searching for about 15 min and finding nada I walk back toward the bed and fall onto the silk fabric with a sigh. 'Fucking great.' I think bitterly.

Jumping up into a defensive stance when the door makes a nearly inaudible click sound, I watch as two clocked women walk into the room carrying a dress. "You're awake. Marvelous.", a third woman announces as she trails behind the previous two. She was dressed in plainly obvious assassin clothes with a pistol strapped to one side and a sword on the other.

'She's clearly the boss. Or at least higher up the food chain than the other two. I really hope she isn't going to go into a villain monologue.' I think as I slightly move toward the door, keeping all three women in my line of sight.

"I would advise against escaping. This sanctuary is heavily guarded. And you do not have your little helper do you?" The woman lazily announces as she takes a seat in one of the armchairs within the room. "I can take you without help." I argue, leveling a glare at the woman who basically called me weak. 

"Of course, of course. But will you risk the life of your ... boyfriend?" She slyly says with a wicked grin. Deciding that it might be easier to escape if she thinks she has a hold over me, plus she might lead me to Damian, I lower my stance and just stare at her with a bored expression.

"You have my attention. Now what the fuck do you want?" I spit, crossing my arms over my chest. "Hmm. So willful. No matter." The woman mumbled before standing and striding toward me. Refusing to back down so much as an inch, I glare up at her as she stops in front of me. 

She grabs my chin in an iron grip before hissing so lowly that I would have missed it if she wasn't (rudely, I might add) firmly placed within my personal space, "You, Great Guardian, are about to marry my son or the blood of thousands will be on your hands. Refuse, I kill your boy toy before thousands of monks follow. You have no choice in the matter."

Shaking slightly at the information she just bombarded me with, I felt my mind spiraling as she let me go and smirked down at me again. "Now be a good little guardian and get dressed." She orders before striding out the door again. "And it's your wedding day. Smile dear.", were her last words before the door closed firmly behind me. "Bitch." I mutter into the air before marching toward the other armchair in the room since I refuse to sit where the bitch sat, I might get bitch-cooties.

'Okay. First thing first. She called me Great Guardian, which means that the monks ratted me out. Bastards, but why? They are sworn to protect my identity and me as long as Tikki remains with me. Secondly, what a BITCH! Telling me when and where I will get married. Ugg, but if I don't cooperate she'll kill all the monks, Damian, and possibly me. Too much risk. I need to find Damian, the Kwami, and get the hell out of this sick show. Screw the monks and their backstabbing assess. But if we get out of this place, we're probably at the Gardiun Temple in Tibet. How the fuck are we going to get back to Gotham?? Ugg, this is making my head hurt!'

"Hey. How long was I out ?" I ask the two remaining women, who have yet to say a word, as I glare at the door. "One week Guardian." They both answered simultaneously. 'Okay, creepy. Back to plotting. If I was out for a week, the others know we're missing and Chloe is probably working with the group to get me back, while plotting murder. There is a 50/50 chance that they don't even have Damian so I just need to find Tikki and stall for time until they get Kaalki.'

"Where is my Kwami?" I ask them this time, debating which course would be better mentally. After a few seconds of silence, I turn my glare on the two women and ask in the coldest, threatening voice I have ever used, "Where. Is. My. Kwami?"

They looked at each other before one stepped forward, "We can not say. We must get you bathed and dressed. The ceremony will start soon. Come."

Eyeing them one last time and deciding that following along with this bullshit ceremony would benefit me more until I could get more information or at least Tikki, I raised to my feet and followed them into the bathroom. 'Fuck my life. You know what, Plagg is getting free reign when this is over.'

Edit: 2024/10

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Edit: 2024/10

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