Will's POV:
A few days have passed, and now we're with Max for her first day of physiotherapy. She only wanted El and I there, but Lucas came anyway.The doctors carried Max from her bed to a wheelchair, and brought her to a massive room. It looked similar to a school gym, but it was only us in there. There were bars and equipment around, obviously needed for specific exercises.
We were sitting on a bench close by, while the doctors were talking to Max. We saw her nod a few times before the doctor stepped away. We saw trying to stand, using the armrest of the wheelchair to help her. She managed to stand up, even though it looked like she was having a hard time balancing.
"Well done Max! Now, choose someone to help you walk forward." The doctor said.
Max looked over to us, Lucas had a cocky grin on his face, El was smiling since she was proud of Max for standing, and I was just looking at Max, wondering who she'd pick.
"El." She said. I looked over to her and she looked shocked, but she gave a happy smile before walking over to Max. I looked at Lucas and saw his grin gone, now with his jaw clenched. I rolled my eyes, he's gotta learn Max isn't gonna pick him for everything.El walked up to Max and put her arm around her waist. Max smiled and put her hand around El's neck, resting her hand on her shoulder. It reminded me of when El was injured when we were fighting the Mindflayer, but this time El was supporting Max.
Max tried lifting her leg but stumbled. El quickly held on to her a bit tighter, and made sure she didn't fall. I saw El whisper some encouraging words and soon enough Max managed to take a successful step.El had a big grin on her face and so did I. Max was focused on the floor, trying to take another step while Lucas was just staring at El angrily. "Dude." I whispered to him.
"What?" Lucas answered, sounding angry.
"Stop looking at El like that. Aren't you happy Max took a step?" I asked.
"Of course I am, but that should be me next to her." He answered.
"She isn't gonna choose you to help her with everything. Just stop being so mad at El, she's done nothing wrong."
"She's the reason Max is doing physio right now." Lucas said, his stare set on El.
"She's the reason Max is alive right now. So cut it out. Now." I answered, getting mad myself. No one talks about my sister like that and gets away with it.While we were in California, El and I formed a sibling - like relationship, we argued and fought over things, but we would also die for each other. She stayed with us Byers ever since Hopper died. Well, maybe he died. Mum doesn't believe he has. El isn't a Byers though, her full name is Eleven Jane Hopper. She decided to put her real name as her middle name, since she prefers El over Jane.
Anyway, Max walked a couple more steps before she looked like she was exhausted. The doctor spoke to the both of them for a bit before El helped Max walk back to the wheelchair. She pushed her to us and stayed next to her.
"Well done Max!" I said, high fiving her.
"Yeah... well done." Lucas said, still staring at El.
"Thanks guys." Max said, still sounding tired. I looked at El and saw her nervously looking down at her feet, she's probably seen how Lucas is glaring at her.
"Cut it out." I whispered, elbowing Lucas.
"Whatever." He said, rolling his eyes before moving closer to Max. El stayed next to Max until she caught Lucas glaring at her threateningly, so she just sat back down next to me.We talked for a while, well not El. She just sat there, still looking down at her white trainers. "El, you ok?" I asked softly.
"Mhm." El answered, not looking up.
"Ellie, tell us about Mr Fibley." Max said, smiling at her. I smiled too, Mr Fibley was a squirrel that always used to come back when El lived in the cabin. He was like her first pet and she loved him a lot. I was also glad Max remembered him, something that was so special to El. Even if she got bullied for talking about him in her presentation back in California. I hated it there, and so did El. I wish we never moved.El looked up at Max, and had a small smile on her face. "You remembered." She said.
"Of course I did El! Tell us about when you first met him." Max said, trying to make her feel more comfortable around us again.
"Oh yeah! It was when I went out the cabin even if I wasn't allowed to..." She looked at Lucas who looked pissed. "Um never mind. The story's boring." El mumbled, looking back down at her shoes.Now I was pissed, at Lucas. "Go back to the room Lucas, we'll come in a bit." I said.
"No way! I'm not leaving." He protested.
"Now." I said, I was so angry I was ready to punch him.
"Ugh." He groaned, but he stood up and walked out."Sorry..." El said, looking up.
"El, you apologise too much." I said. "You didn't do anything."
"Right? Ignore that asshole, Ellie." Max said.
"He has a right to be mad at me." El said quietly.
"No he doesn't. No one else is mad at you, not even me. He's acting like I can only go to him for everything." Max argued back.
"He's being a jerk. It's been 2 months so he needs to grow up." I said. Max giggled and El smiled.
"But really El, just ignore him. If he keeps being an asshole we won't hesitate to speak our mind." Max said.
I nodded in agreement and El looked at us both."Why?" She asked quietly.
"Why what?" I asked.
"Why are you on my side? Why not his?" She asked.
"Because he's the one in the wrong. Remember when I taught you about justice?" I asked.
"Oh yeah..." El said.
"Exactly, anyway as much as I love talking to you two, we should start heading back. The boys are probably waiting for us." Max said.
We nodded and stood up, El went behind Max and began pushing her on the wheelchair.I walked in front of them, but I heard them talking. "You did amazing today Max. I'm proud of you." El said.
"Thanks Ellie." I could practically hear the smile in her voice.
That was adorable. You know what, Max and El would be a much better couple than Max and Lucas. It's too bad they're only friends though... Best friends.

ActionAn Elmax Story - Contains mature themes- El had killed Vecna once and for all, but the cost was her best friend going into a coma. El punished herself mentally everyday for ruining her friends life, but when Max finally wakes up, will her life go b...