Chapter 20

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El's POV:
The movie finished, and I saw Max half asleep on my chest. I smiled and gently stroked her hair. "Where are you guys gonna sleep?" I asked the boys.
"We're gonna stay down here, you and Max can go into our room if you'd like." Will offered.
I nodded, "Alright, I'll being her up there. Goodnight."
The boys all said goodnight, and Lucas mumbled something along those lines.

They then all started arguing about who's gonna have which blanket or something stupid like that. I looked back at the girl on my chest. "Max." I whispered, "We're gonna go upstairs."
"It's comfortable here." Max mumbled.
"Come on, it'll be more comfortable on a bed." I said, slowly sitting up.

Max sat in my lap, and looked at the boys. "What are they arguing about?" She asked.
"I don't even know." I chuckled, "Wanna go up now?" I asked.
"Yeah." Max said, standing up.
We both went upstairs and into the room I share with Will.

Max immediately jumped on my bed, snuggling up under the blanket. "Shall I sleep on Will's bed?" I asked.
"No, come here with me." She said, yawning.
I smiled and got in bed beside her. She laid her head on my shoulder and intertwined my legs. "Light off?" I asked.
"Yeah." Max mumbled.
I turned off the light with my powers, and put my arms around Max. "Night Max." I said.
"Night Ellie."

We both fell asleep quickly, but it wasn't all peaceful.
Max's POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night, not being able to see anything. I looked around, feeling scared. I snuggled closer to El, wrapping my arms around her tighter.

Suddenly, I heard a haunting clock chime, and I screamed. I felt an arm touch me, and I jumped in fear. "It's me Max. What happened?" El asked softly, wiping the tears steadily rolling down my cheeks.
"T-the clock." I choked out, still looking around.
"This clock?" El asked, using her powers to make her alarm clock levitate.

I shook my head, "I heard a grandfather clock. Like the ones I had in my visions."
"With him?" El asked, knowing I hated hearing his name.
I nodded, and El sat up as she hugged me. "He's gone Max. I promise. We killed him." El whispered, slowly rocking me as I sobbed.

"It sounded just like it." I whispered.
"I know, it's just your mind playing tricks on you. He's not here anymore." El said softly, kissing the side of my head. "Wanna lie back down?" She asked.
I nodded, so El laid down and I rested my head on her chest. I stayed there for a few minutes, but every time I closed my eyes, I saw him in my head.

I tried to fall asleep but it was no use. "El." I whispered.
"Hmm?" El asked, still awake.
"I can't sleep." I said.
"Wanna go outside?" She asked.
"What?" I asked, sitting up.
"Outside. It's not cold, we can just relax." El offered. "I do it a lot."
"Alright." I shrugged.

"We'll have to go out the window again." She said, getting a blanket out the cupboard and throwing it outside.
"You're gonna have to catch me again." I whined, getting up too.
"Is that a bad thing?" El asked playfully, looking at me.
I felt heat rise up to my cheeks, "I uh- no." I stammered.
She chuckled and jumped out the window, landing on her feet once again.

"Ready?" El asked, looking up at me.
I poked my head out the window, nodding. El smiled and I took a deep breath before jumping out.
El caught me and carefully put me down. "Good girl." She said, picking up the blanket. I blushed and quickly looked away before she noticed.

Then she spread the blanket out, the grass wasn't wet so it's fine. She sat down on it and patted next to her. I laid down beside her, looking at all the stars in the sky. It was gorgeous out here, I don't blame El for going out here at night.

"It's so pretty out here." I said, admiring the stars.
"It reminds me of you." El said. I looked at her and we burst out laughing. "I got that off a TV show." El said. I just laughed harder, holding onto my ribs which were now aching after laughing so much.

We just talked, and I was smiling the whole time. Around 20 minutes later, I shivered and El noticed. "Are you cold? Shall we go back in?" She asked.
"Nah, not yet." I answered.
"Alright, lemme get another blanket at least." She looked at her window.
"You're gonna climb up there?" I asked.
"No?" El said, using her powers to bring another blanket and two pillows out. She set them up and I wiped the blood off her top lip.

She focused on me, and butterflies formed in my stomach. I sighed, "We should talk about what happened earlier." I said, taking my hand off her face.
"Ok." El said, laying down.
I looked at her, "Aren't you nervous?" I asked.
"Why would I be?" She asked, confused.
"Never mind." I said. I was terrified, maybe she thought it was for fun. She might've not even realised what was going on. She probably doesn't feel the same.

"So uh..." I hesitated. "You know what? I'm just gonna say it." I met El's expecting eyes, "Look. I've liked you since I first saw you. With your slicked back hair and deep brown eyes. But you didn't like me, so I ignored these feelings until you came to me about Mike. That's the day I realised I was in love with you. And that summer was the best time of my life, you were there for me when Billy died, and that just made me love you even more. And when you and Will left for California, I was heartbroken. I was in the trailer so I couldn't call you, and I stopped talking to everyone. And then he cursed me. Vecna." I shivered at the name, and El's eyes grew.

"But it was worth it. It was worth it because I got to see you again. I hoped I'd see you one more time before Vecna got me, which is why I thought I created you in my mind. Because I was thinking of you. When I was dying, I just prayed I'd see you in heaven. Then, when I was in the coma, everything was just dark. There was nothing anywhere. But then I got to the void. I walked around for ages, screaming your name. Not Robin's, not Lucas', yours. And when I heard you calling for me, trust me I ran. I needed to see you. And when I did I forgot about everything else. I jumped in your arms and I immediately felt safe. I knew I was safe."

By now El had tears in her eyes, but she was still listening intently.

"I wished I could stay there forever. But I couldn't. And when I woke up, you were the first one there. I know you've changed a lot in a year, but that just makes you even more special. Whenever I look into your beautiful eyes I know I'm home. Even when I hear your name my heart lights up. And it's because I love you El. I finally know that now. I'm in love with you. And I want to be more than best friends."

El's face lit up.

"But if you don't feel the same way, that's perfectly fine. I'll respect any decision you make. Just know I'm always here for you, whether that's as friends or more. I love you El, I always have and I always will."

I took a shaky breath, I had just told El how I feel about her. I looked down, not daring to meet her eyes.

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