Max's POV:
Silence washed over the car, everyone giving each other confused looks. What the hell just happened to El? Who was she talking to and why was she holding her head as if she was in pain?A few minutes passed until Lucas decided to speak up. He laughed, "It looks like the girl's gone psycho!"
I elbowed him in the side, "Shut up! Something just happened to her!"
"Uh yeah, I know! She was talking to herself like the weirdo she is." He said.
I looked at him disgustedly. "I don't know who you are anymore Lucas. I'm going inside." I opened the car door and walked inside the house, going upstairs too.I went to El's room, and saw the door was shut. I knocked on it, "Can I come in?" I asked.
"Yeah." Came the reply. I slowly opened the door and saw El sitting on her bed. "Here, you can sit." She said, patting the space beside her.
I smiled, "Thanks." I sat down, "What happened to you in the car?"
"Oh uh nothing. Just a headache."
"Who were you talking to?"
"Nobody- I mean myself."
"Eleven, I'm not stupid." I said."Never said you were."
"I know, but you really think I'm gonna believe that? What's really going on El?"
"I don't even know myself." She sighed.
I held her hands in my lap, "Ok, well tell me what you do know."
"Um there's voices in my head. But they're mad at me. Very mad. They wanna get revenge."
"Revenge for what? Who are they?"
She pulled her hands out of mine and grabbed her legs, holding them against her chest. "If I tell you, you won't wanna be my friend anymore." She said, moving so her back was against the wall."I'll always be your friend. You can tell me." I said.
"It's the people I've k-killed." She said.
I looked at her, "You've killed people?!"
"Uh yeah- but only because I had to." She said quickly.
I went silent, thinking of what I had just heard. I wasn't mad or anything, I was just shocked.El's POV:
I looked at Max, she wasn't talking. Shit, I shouldn't have told her.
"Well done bitch, Max is scared of you now. She can't even say anything after hearing the truth." My head starts pounding again, the voices are back.
"Why would she be friends with someone like you? What did you really expect Eleven?"
I put my head in my hands again, "What do you want?" I asked.
"You already know what we want. We want revenge. We're going to ruin your life until you don't wanna live it anymore. And now you've lost Max, you're gonna lose a lot more people.""El? El open your eyes!" I heard a distant voice shout.
"Don't go back to her. Stay with us, stay with us and suffer. We won't let you leave."
"Let me go!" Darkness surrounded me, it's like I'm in the void. But I don't know how to get out.
"El! Eleven come back! Wake up!" The voice echoed.
I heard footsteps coming towards me, I looked around. I saw them. The people I've killed. Blood running from their eyes, clothes torn.
"Hello Eleven." They all said in unison."Stop it. Let me go back!" I shouted.
"Jane." A woman in a wheelchair went to the front of the crowd. Mama. "Look at what you've done. You ruined my life. I never should've gone looking for you."
"No no no. I'm sorry Mama. I didn't know."
"You never know, do you Jane? You don't know how many people you've hurt."
I felt a sharp pain in my head. "Fuck!" I screamed, "Let me go!"They came closer to me. I stretched my arm out and pushed them back with my powers.
"Eleven! El! Wake up!"
"We'll be back Jane. We'll be back." I fell into the ground, and I opened my eyes. I was back in my room.Max was looking at me. "El, are you okay?" She asked.
I looked at her and shook my head, "I've hurt so many people." I said as tears flooded my eyes. Max immediately hugged me tight.
"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." She said, stroking my hair as she rocked me back and forth.
"Yes it was. I hurt Mama." I sobbed.
"That old man hurt her. Not you. It's not your fault El, it never will be." She soothed.
"I hurt Papa too." I said quietly.
"He hurt you. He ruined your childhood. He got what he deserved."I just stayed in her arms, sobbing quietly. "Shhh, it's okay. Breathe." She whispered. I felt my eyes close as she slowly rocked me back and forth, one hand stroking my hair.
Max's POV:
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I heard El's soft snores. I chuckled to myself and slowly laid her down on a pillow.
I stood up, about to leave, when I felt a hand gently grab my arm. "Can you stay with me?" She asked sleepily.
I smiled, "Of course." I took my shoes off and lay beside her. I missed us together like this. I put my arm around her waist, pulling her closer towards me.I snuggled into her neck, she always smells like vanilla and eggos. I smiled at the familiar scent. I closed my eyes, soon falling asleep.

ActionAn Elmax Story - Contains mature themes- El had killed Vecna once and for all, but the cost was her best friend going into a coma. El punished herself mentally everyday for ruining her friends life, but when Max finally wakes up, will her life go b...