El's POV:
We finally reached the trailer park, and the dog ran through a fence which I'm guessing is the way to his home. "Wanna head back?" I asked.
"Yeah..." She seemed like she was unsure.
"You ok?" I asked, turning around to head back.She put her hands on mine, which were messaging her thighs. "Am I..." She hesitated, "Am I heavy?" She asked.
I looked up at her, and saw her eyes full of tears. "Of course not. What's wrong?" I asked.
"I just feel like such a burden." She sobbed, the tears starting to roll down her cheeks.I grabbed her from under her arms and slowly put her down on the floor. "You're not a burden Max." I said, holding her hands in mine.
"I am! I couldn't even manage a 15 minute walk and then you had to carry me just so we could make it. I was probably making your shoulders ache." She said, looking down.
I put a hand under her chin and gently lifted her head up, "Listen to me. You're perfect. You always have been and you always will be. You're perfect the way you are, I wouldn't change a thing about you." I said sincerely.
She looked into my eyes and began crying.I smiled sadly and pulled her into a hug. She held me close as she sobbed into my chest. I gently stroked her hair as she cried. "Shhh, it's okay." I soothed. "You're perfect, I promise." I kissed the side of her head and we just stayed like that for a couple of minutes.
She slowly pulled away, her cheeks stained with tears. I cupped her face as I wiped them away. "Let's go back to my street, then you can skateboard, okay?" I asked quietly.
She nodded and I kissed her forehead before speaking. "Your legs still hurting?" I asked.
"Yeah... a bit." She answered.
I smiled, "Then jump on." I said.
"Are you sure? I can try and walk there." She offered.
"I'm sure. You don't want your legs to hurt when you're skateboarding." I said."Okay." Max said.
"Back or shoulders?" I asked.
"Back." Max answered.
I crouched down so Max could get on my back. She stood behind me and I stood up when she got on. She put her arms around my torso and laid her head on my back as her legs wrapped around my waist.
I smiled and put my hands under her thighs so she wouldn't fall.
"I love you El." She said.
"I love you too."I began walking back to my street, a smile on my face.
We reached our street again, and I slowly put Max down. "Over here." I said, holding her hand and leading her to the smooth part of the road. I put the skateboard down and Max looked at me."I don't know El. I won't be able to do it anymore." She said.
"I can use my powers to help you. Stand on it." I said.
She hesitantly stood on the board, and looked back at me. I walked up to her and held her hands. "You trust me right?" I asked.
"More than anyone." She said, looking into my eyes.
I smiled, "When it moves, just relax your body. Let the skateboard do the work for you."I mentally used my powers to make sure she won't fall off. "Ok, ready?" I asked. She gave a small nod so I used my powers to slowly move the board.
Max's POV:
I felt the board move from beneath my feet, and my body tensed up. "El, I'm gonna fall!" I shouted.
She laughed, "You won't! I'm literally holding you."
I looked down and saw her indeed holding my hands. I laughed too but immediately stopped as I felt the board pick up speed.
"I'm gonna let go now, okay?" She asked.
"What? No!" She let go of my hands anyway, and the board was speeding up even more. "Shit shit shit! Eleven!" I screamed.
I heard her laugh, "I've made sure you can't fall! Just focus on the wind blowing in your hair and the birds chirping." She advised.I nodded and took a deep breath, focusing on the things around me. Suddenly, the panic I had disappeared, and got replaced by joy. I love skateboarding, and I'm so glad I'm doing it again, especially with El here with me.

ActionAn Elmax Story - Contains mature themes- El had killed Vecna once and for all, but the cost was her best friend going into a coma. El punished herself mentally everyday for ruining her friends life, but when Max finally wakes up, will her life go b...