Chapter 11

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Will's POV:
10 minutes later, we finally reached the hospital. Before the car even stopped, I opened the door and ran out, El in my arms. "Nancy, you bring Max in. Every second counts." I said, running inside the hospital.

I rushed in, avoiding running into doctors and patients. I reached the reception. "We need a doctor, it's an emergency!" I shouted.
"Ok, calm down sir. What's your name?" The receptionist asked, typing on her computer.
"Will Byers, William Byers if you want, just hurry!" I urged.
"What's happened to the girl?" She asked.
"Self - harm, her pulse is slow." I said, feeling stressed.
She nodded, and a group of doctors rushed towards us, rolling a bed with them. One of them took El out of my arms and placed her on the bed. They put an oxygen mask on her and began rushing her into a room.

"Where are they taking her?!" I shouted.
"Room 011. They doctors are gonna run some tests on her and make sure her vitals are stable." The receptionist answered.
"Well when can we see her?" I asked.
"It depends on how the tests go. The ETA is an hour." I nodded and went back outside. Nancy and Max we're coming inside.

"Where's El?" Nancy asked.
"They've taken her into a room to be tested. They said we can see her in around an hour." I said, my adrenaline beginning to slow down.
"Is she ok?" Max asked.
"Hopefully. They haven't told me anything." I said.
Max had tears in her eyes, and I felt so bad. We've barely had Max back for 4 months and El's already in a serious condition.
"I've told your doctor you're not gonna attend today's physio session. They said the eye test is compulsory though." Nancy said.
Max nodded, "How long will it take?" She asked.
"Only 40 minutes, we have to head over now though." She began walking so Max and I followed her.

We were already in the hospital so we made it within 5 minutes. While Max was getting her eyes tested, I went into the waiting room. Nancy was with Max since she's over 18, so I was left with my own thoughts. I was thinking of El, and memories I have with her. Teaching her how to ride a bike, how to read, us making Castle Byers 2.0, and more. Like I said before, El is like a sister to me, and she saved my life in the Upside Down, as well as making my life better in California.

I owe my life to her, but she stays so humble. She's a literal superhero yet she hates herself. But it's not like her life's been easy. It never has. First she got taken from her mother immediately after birth, before ending up in a lab where they abused and used her for 11 years, then after all that she escaped and found the boys, had to hide from the men in the lab, used her powers to find me in the Upside Down, then living with Hopper. But her life still wasn't good. She ran away and found her mother stuck in her memories, found her sister and punished those who hurt her, then she went home. But that's not it either. She was barely allowed outside the cabin, which means yet again she was trapped somewhere. Then she met Max, they became best friends, we had to fight the Mindflayer, Hopper died or vanished I don't know, then she had to live with us Byers before moving to California with us. But she got bullied, broke someone's nose, had to save Max, Max went into a coma, she blames herself, she starts to hate herself even more, Max wakes up, Lucas makes her insecure, she doesn't eat, doesn't talk, barely sleeps. Max goes home, they argue, she gets hurt by her best friend, she hates herself to the point where she thinks she deserves to die, she tries to kill herself, and here we are.

So El's never had a break, unlike everyone else in the party, she has had no childhood. She's been through so much, but never uses that as an excuse. El's amazing in every way and I can't lose her. I wouldn't be able to bear with it. Tears flooded my eyes at the thought of living life without El. No one to wake up with in the mornings, no one to joke with everyday, no one to buy eggos for, no one to teach, no one to read with, no one to draw with. No one was there for El, but El's here for me. She can't die, life would be so different. At least we live in Hawkins again, but life would still be different.

My depressing thoughts got interrupted by Nancy and Max coming out from the room. "So, what are the results?" I asked.
"Very good, Max's eyesight is getting better. She can see colours, and even people. Her vision is still quite blurry though." Nancy said.
"Yep. Apparently my vision will be normal in around 2 months. El's revive was strong." Max laughed sadly. "You got any news yet?" She asked.
"No, but we will be able to see her in..." I looked at my watch, "10 minutes."
"Ok, should I invite the boys over?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah, don't invite Lucas though. He won't help." I said.
Nancy nodded and walked away to phone the boys.

"Here Max, come and sit." I said. I led her over to two seats, I sat her down and sat behind her.
"Will, promise to be honest with me ok?" Max asked.
"Ok...?" I answered, confused.
"Did El hurt herself because of me? Please tell me the truth." Max begged, I heard her voice shaking slightly.
I held Max's hands in mine, "El hasn't been in a good place since you went into a coma Max. And that wasn't your fault." I answered.
"But I was the last straw right? I made her think she didn't deserve to be alive anymore." Max asked, her voice breaking.
"Max..." I said.
"She tried to kill herself because of what I said." Max said, beginning to cry.
I hugged her tight, but not too tight that it hurt her. "Lots of people made her hate herself. Even in California. No one's to blame but them ok?" I said.
"But she trusted me. I held her when she cried herself to sleep because Hopper never came back, I taught her how to swim, but then I let her down. I lied to her and myself just because I was angry. I'm so sorry Will." Max sobbed.

"You don't have to apologise to me. When she wakes up, apologise to El. Like I said, she needs you in her life." I said.
Max nodded, her head on my shoulder. "What if she doesn't want to see me again?" She asked.
"This is Eleven we're talking about. You're like her favourite person! Plus, she wouldn't have sat by your side for 3 months just to push you away." I said.
Max hummed, "Thanks Will. You're good at comforting people." She said, smiling sadly.
"And good at telling the truth." We sat together for a while, just enjoying each others company.

Suddenly, Nancy came back. "The boys are on their way. The doctor said we can go in now."
I nodded and took a deep breath. I helped Max up. I held her hand and we walked to El's room.

We reached room 011 and Nancy slowly opened the door.

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