Chapter 16

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Max's POV:
We're both ready now, I'm wearing jeans and one of El's sweaters. Since she's slightly taller than me, it's a bit big, but it's ok since I like bigger sweaters anyway. Let me show you my outfit.

El's gone to my house to go pick up my skateboard

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El's gone to my house to go pick up my skateboard. My mum works most of the time, but then again I've barely been at home to see her. Honestly though, I prefer it this way. She decided to marry that asshole Neil and I'll never forgive her for that. But when Billy died, he decided to kick us out, saying he's keeping the house. So that was great, he ruined our lives then left us with a trailer. What an asshole.

Anyway, I heard the front door open, which means El must be back. I heard footsteps rush upstairs and the door swung open. "Got it!" El said, holding the skateboard up in her hands. She walked up to me. This is what she was wearing.

I looked her up and down, damn, she's so pretty

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I looked her up and down, damn, she's so pretty. She must've noticed me staring since she spoke, "Max? You okay?" She asked.
I broke out of the trance, "Huh? Oh, yeah. Let's go." I stood up and headed for the door.
"Wait." El said, grabbing my arm. "We can't go out that way." She said.
"Why?" I asked, turning back to her.
"Coz the boys are downstairs. If they see us, they'll wanna come." She said.
"You want only us to hang out?" I asked.

"Um... yes? If you want to hang out with them too we ca-" She said.
"No, we can hang out alone." I said, smiling. She smiled too. "But, how are we meant to go outside then?" I asked.
"Oh, from the window." She said, opening it wide.
I raised my eyebrows, El knows how to sneak out? "Who taught you that?" I asked.
"Jonathan. I caught him sneaking out for more plants so he taught me how to do it too." She said.
"He snuck out for plants?" I asked. Jonathan doesn't seem like the type of guy to have his own garden.
"Yeah, he puts fire on them and then smoke comes out his mouth." El explained.
"Oh! Oh. Ok." I said. Jonathan smokes weed?!

"Anyway, come on!" She said, grabbing my skateboard again and jumping out the window. She landed on her feet, and looked back up to me. We're literally on the second floor, how the fuck did she do that and not break her legs?
"How the hell did you land like that?!" I asked, looking out the window.
"Practice. I can catch you so you don't hurt yourself." She said, looking at me.
I was unsure, I desperately wanted to hang out with El but jumping out a 2 story window? I don't know. "Uh, you sure?" I asked nervously.

El put the skateboard down and smiled. "Promise." She said. I nodded and put one leg out the window. I looked down, "Shit El!" I shouted, looking back up to the wall.
"You're almost there! Don't worry!" She shouted from the ground. I put my other leg out the window and held on to the windowsill with my hands.
"I can't do it!" I screamed.
El laughed, "Jump! I'll catch you." She said.

I took a deep breath and jumped, my stomach flipping as I fell. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I opened my eyes. El looked down at me and smiled. "Told you." She said quietly.
I put my arms around her neck as one of her hands was under my legs and the other on my upper back. We looked into each others eyes, not speaking. My eyes drifted to her soft lips, and then back to her eyes. I saw her glancing at my lips too, and I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

The moment got ruined by a dog running to us, going through El's legs. It kept barking and El looked confused. I looked down at the dog, and realised it was the one at my trailer park. "Oh! I know him!" I said. El carefully let me back on my feet and I crouched down to pet the dog.
"You have a dog?" El asked, petting it too.
"No, the owners went on holiday so I looked after it for a couple months." I explained.
"Ohhhh, what's his name?" She asked.
"I'm not sure. How did he get here though?" I asked.
"Maybe he followed me here." El said.

I laughed, "Naughty boy." I said, petting his shaggy hair.
"Shall I drop him back to the trailer park?" El asked.
"Yeah, can I come too?" I asked.
"Of course. Let's go." She picked up the skateboard and held it with one hand, she held my hand with the other. Electricity shot up my arm as our hands touched, and I smiled.

The dog followed us as we walked back to my trailer park. It was only like 15 minutes walk from El's new house but my legs began to ache. I tried to ignore it but it got to the point where each step made me wince in pain. I guess my legs still aren't as good as they used to be.

"Um, El?" I asked quietly. God this is embarrassing. I can't even walk for 15 minutes without feeling like my legs were gonna give over.
She turned to me, "Hmm?" She asked.
"My legs are hurting." I said.
She smiled and let go of my hand. I was confused until she grabbed me by my hips and hauled me up to her shoulders. She carried on walking and I put my hands around her neck.
"Where does it ache?" She asked, the dog walking next to us.
"Here." I said, putting my hands on my upper thighs.

She put her hands where mine were and began messaging them gently. "This ok?" She asked.
I blushed and a smile formed on my face, "Mhm." She chuckled and we kept on walking.

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