-Twenty Six-

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By morning, A new lightheartedness had settled between the three girls. Everything finally seemed to be okay.

Sarah & Kie were joking around, and plotting how to get the boys back. Kiara finally seeming to find the even ground between herself & Sae.

It was good.

The three agreed to keep their charade of disliking one another. If only to get the boys to believe their plan had failed.

Sae stood between the two girls. As they waited for the boys to arrive. The sun sitting high in the sky. Indicating that morning was nearly over.

"What could possibly be taking them so long?" Sae grumbled. Crossing her arms over her chest.

Sarah shrugged, leaning herself against the railing.
"Maybe they're giving us a little extra time to cool down?"

"All I'm saying is, they better be glad things actually worked out." Kie added in.

"Yeah, because I would not have broken y'all up if you fought." Sae joked.

"I'm not sure I could pull you off, if you and Kie fought?" Sarah gave an airy laugh.

Kie & Sae shared a quick look.
"Well... we have fought, technically." Sae cleared her throat.

Sarah's eyes widened, darting between the two.
"Wait seriously, when?"

"Technically? No we definitely fought, You punched me." Kiara corrected with a hint of playful sass. Indicating that the incident no longer bothered her.

Sarah's hand slapped over her mouth. A wide amused grin underneath.

"I have apologized for that. but hey, you got a pretty good hit in. Had my dad asking questions." Sae stated. Offering Kiara a sly smile.

"Y'know what's super crazy? That was only like, a week ago." Kie added.

"Damn you're right, time really flies Huh?" Sae giggled. Prompting the other two to join in her amusement.

"This is cool though, that we're all friends now. I finally have my two besties back!" Sarah cooed dramatically. Moving herself between the two, in order to fling her arms over them.

"Oh red alert, the dumbass brigade is here." Kie noted the familiar boat approaching in the distance.

"Right right, we still hate each other." Sarah quickly released the girls. Moving back to her distanced spot against the railing.

Kie shot Sae a mischievous smile, before her features completely changed. She now sported her typical annoyed expressing. Sae following her lead, preparing her act for the boys. Although Sarah had a harder time repressing her smile.

"Mornin' ladies, how are we today?" John b had been the first to speak up. Sat behind the wheel, pulling the HMS beside Heyward's boat. Pope & JJ stood at the front, prepared to help the girls aboard.

"That was some patriarchal bullshit." Kie grumbled, being sure to express her irritation.

"Yeah, so not cool." Sarah chimed in. Her smile slipping through her features once more.

"Well at least you didn't kill each other?" JJ shrugged. Extending his hand out for the Richmond girl. Who merely stood glaring back at him.

"Yeah, I'll take that as a win." John b added in.

"We might not have killed one another, but you three should definitely watch your back." Sae quipped, placing her hand into JJ's.

"Oh, I like it when you talk dirty to me." JJ teased, shooting her a wink as she stepped aboard.

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