Chapter Four: The Doctor

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A YOUNG GIRL sprints across a busy street. She runs through a crowd of people, rushing down a busy alleyway. She runs into a house and up the stairs. A CALCUTTA WOMAN approaches her. BRUCE BANNER, the alter ego of the Incredible Hulk, is treating the ill in the background.

CALCUTTA WOMAN: (in Hindi)Who are you? Get out! There is sickness here! 

YOUNG GIRL: (very fast in Hindi)Are you the doctor? I need a doctor. My father. My father's not waking up! He has a fever and he' s moaning but his eyes won't open. 

Banner hears and moves over to the YOUNG GIRL. He kneels before her. 

BANNER: (in Hindi)Slow down. 

YOUNG GIRL: (in Hindi)My father

BANNER: (in Hindi)Like them?

 Banner points to the people in the house that are sick. A YOUNG GIRL nods and holds up a wad of cash. 

"You've got to help her!" Lily cried. The Avengers just looked at the woman in disbelief that she believed that Banner would just leave the girl alone.

YOUNG GIRL: (in Hindi; emotion)Please! 


A YOUNG GIRL is rushing to reach the shack but Banner, a little suspicious, grabs her -- slowing her down. A truck drives by very slow, Banner glances at it as it passes. Banner and the girl rush across the dirt road. The YOUNG GIRL sprints into the shack and Banner follows slowly. 


Banner enters in time to see her escape through the window. He's been ditched and he realises he's been set up. 

BANNER: (quietly to himself) Should have got paid upfront Banner. 

NATASHA: You know, for a man who's supposed to be... 

Natasha reveals herself to Banner from behind a curtain. 

NATASHA: (CONT'D)...avoiding stress, you picked a hell of a place to settle. 

BANNER: (putting his bag down)Avoiding stress isn't the secret. 

NATASHA: Then what is it? Yoga? 

BANNER: And you brought me to the end of the city. Smart. (peeping through the window )I- uh- I assume the whole place is surrounded. 

Natasha removes her scarf. 

NATASHA: Just you and me. 

BANNER: And your actress buddy? She a spy too, they start that young? 

NATASHA: (a little nervous) I did, someone else I know was even younger. 

Nat squeezed the hand of the girl beside her, her kid's hand.

BANNER: Who are you? 

NATASHA: Natasha Romanoff. 

BANNER: Are you here to kill me, Ms Romanoff? 'Cause that's not going to work out for everyone. 

NATASHA: No, no. Of course not. I'm here on behalf of SHIELD. 

BANNER: (a little mad) SHIELD. How'd they find me? 

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