Chapter Ten: Asgardian Elphaba

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Barton and some men rush over to a door with a scanner on the side. They prepare to break in.


Loki walks down some stairs from a balcony. GALA SCIENTIST is at a podium talking. Loki hits a man with his sceptre, knocking him to the floor. The guests stop and stare in awe. Loki swiftly grabs the GALA SCIENTIST -- flips him onto a statue and then uses a device to bore into his eye. The guests scatter in horror, screaming, running away as Loki smiles menacingly.

"OMG, how could you do that to that innocent man" Molly Weasley shouted, looking at the God of Mischief in disgust and horror. Loki dipped down in his seat, trying to hide from the stares of horror aimed at him. "Have care on how you speak to my brother, remember he is a God while you are some measly mortal." Thor said to the woman. "I am not some mortal I am a witch." She responded. "Yeah, he knows. Look at where we are, literally. Also Loki could easily take you out. Anyone of us could take you down. I could do so without lifting my pinkie finger. Seriously, you're not all that." Raisa said with a mocking smirk on her face. Loki looked at her with a thankful look on his face. He had never seen someone stand up for him like she had. She may be young but she was very strong in her beliefs.


The image of the eye is transported to a similar device Barton is holding over a retina scanner. The door opens


Barton runs in and steals a glass tube containing the Iridium.


People flee the gala, screaming, and Loki follows, taking on his Asgardian attire. He blasts a Polizei (police) car speeding toward him, flipping it over. He creates duplicates of himself, surrounding a mob of gala people.

LOKI: Kneel before me. I said- KNEEL!

The people hurry, dropping to their knees.

(walking through the mob) Is this not simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end- you will always kneel.

A German old man gets to his feet.

GERMAN OLD MAN: Not to men like you.

"He's such a brave man." "Yeah he is."

LOKI: There are no men like me.

GERMAN OLD MAN: There are always men like you.

LOKI: Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example.

Loki fires his sceptre but Captain America jumps in front of the man -- deflecting the beam off his shield causing it to hit Loki, who falls to the ground.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.

LOKI: The soldier

Loki rises to his feet.

-the man out of time.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: I'm not the one who's out of time.

"oooh what a burn. I think 3rd graders use that type of come back." Clint mentioned, Raisa nodding along.

The quinjet comes in behind Cap with Black Widow and Sapphire Sorceress inside. A gun unfolds from the underside of the plane.

NATASHA(over speaker)Loki, drop the weapon and stand down.

Loki fires at the jet and it banks hard to avoid it. Cap attacks Loki and the two fight. Loki knocks Cap's shield to the side and forces him down with his sceptre.

LOKI: Kneel!


Cap jumps up and does a spin-kick to Loki's face. The two continue to fight. Natasha, in her Black Widow suit, is trying to figure out how to take a shot. Raisa in a similar suit with blue details, is sat next to her.

NATASHA: (to Raisa) Guy's all over the place.

TONY: (over earpiece)Agent Romanoff, you miss me?

The computer screen shows the message 'PA SYSTEMS OVERRIDE', and AC/DC's, 'Shoot to Thrill' begins to play. Natasha smiles heavily. Iron Man flies down and fires a repulsor blast, knocking Loki down.

IRON MAN: Make a move reindeer games.

Loki's Asgardian garb fades away and he raises his hands.

Good move.

Cap walks over to Iron Man. The quinjet begins to land in the background.


IRON MAN: Captain.


DOLLY IN on some mountains in the distance...the quinjet speeds by.


Natasha is piloting the plane. Loki is strapped down in the back of the plane. Cap, in suit but no cowl, and Tony, in the suit but without the helmet, are standing behind the cockpit and they are talking.

FURY: (over quinjet radio)Is he saying anything?

NATASHA: (into headset)Not a word.

FURY: (over quinjet radio)Just get him here, we're low on time.


STEVE: I don't like it.

TONY: What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?

STEVE: I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop.

TONY: Still, you were pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?

STEVE: What?

TONY: It's like callisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things. Y'know, doing time as a Cap-sicle.

STEVE: Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in.

TONY: Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you.

RAISA: Mr Stark, I forgot to say earlier, you have really good taste in music.

TONY: Thanks kid, you don't find many kids who have a taste in good music. You can call me Tony.

RAISA: Cool thanks Mr Star-Tony. I'm Raisa by the way.

TONY: Nice to meet you kid.

There's a flash of lightning and a roar of thunder.

NATASHA: Where's this come from? Loki leans forward, looking around.

STEVE: (to Loki)What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?

LOKI: I'm not overly fond of what follows

RAISA: What? You think it's your brother?

Loki gives her a look

RAISA: Hey, I know my mythology, you're brother Thor, he's the God of Thunder, right?

"Of course you are right Lady Rose" Thor boomed with a beam on his face "You are very smart. Not many people learn about our history." Raisa looked at him with a smile "Thanks big T" Thor smiled at her response but confused at what she called him but he's grown used to being around both her and Tony for a while.

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