Chapter Nine: The Eyeball

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Fury walks up to Hill. 

FURY: Hill, did you tell the council that Barton had been compromised? 

MARIA HILL: Was that not procedure? 

Fury walks off the bridge and onto the air deck, where he looks out. 

MARIA HILL: (CONT'D)Did you tell them who exactly is on your response team?

Fury looks over his shoulder. 

FURY: Doesn't appear that I have to. 


Selvig is working on a machine in Loki's hidden base. 

SELVIG: Put it over there.(to Barton) Where did you find all these people? 

BARTON: SHIELD has no shortage of enemies, Doctor. This the stuff you need? 

SELVIG: Yeah. Iridium. It's found in meteorites, it forms anti-protons. It's very hard to get hold of. 

BARTON: Especially if SHIELD knows you need it. 

"Yeah we keep tabs on everything"

SELVIG: Well, I didn't know. Loki walks up.(to Loki)Hey! This is wonderful. The Tesseract has shown me so much. It's- it's more than knowledge, it's truth. 

LOKI: I know. It, ah- it touches everyone differently.(to Barton)What did it show you Agent Barton? 

BARTON: My next target. 

"That sounds like you're going to kill someone," an older Gryffindor laughed. Clint shifted in his seat, uncomfortable at the comment which Nat and Raisa noticed. Nat reached over and grabbed his hand, he looked over at them both and saw them giving him smiles to reassure him that it's okay and that what happened wasn't his fault.

SELVIG: (laughing)Stick in the mud. He's got no soul. No wonder you chose this, this tomb to work in.  

BARTON: (snapping)Well, the Radisson doesn't have three levels of lead lined flooring between SHIELD and that Cube. 

Selvig walks back to the machine he was working on. 

LOKI: I see why Fury chose you to guard it. 

BARTON: You're going to have to contend  with him sir. As long as he's in the air, I can't pin him down. And he'll be putting together a team.

 LOKI: Are they a threat? 

BARTON: To each other more than likely. But if Fury can get 'em on track, and he might, they could throw some noise our way. 

LOKI: You admire Fury. 

BARTON: He's got a clear line of sight. 

LOKI: Is that why you failed to kill him? 

BARTON: It might be. I was disoriented, and I'm not at my best with a gun. 

LOKI: I want to know everything you can tell me about this team of his. I would- test their mettle. 

Barton nods. 

I am weary of scuttling the shadows. I mean to rule this world, not burrow in it. 

BARTON: That's a risk 

LOKI: Oh yes. 

BARTON: If you're set on making yourself known. I could be useful. 

LOKI: Tell me what you need. 

Barton walks over to a small case, opens it, then takes out his bow. He flicks it open.

BARTON: I need a distraction. And an eyeball.

"An eyeball! Rosie, darling, I think you should come sit with us, away from that dangerous man." The Potter matriarch said. Raisa rolled her eyes, stood up and turned around and looked her 'mother' dead in the eye, her face blank of emotion. She then lifted her gun, which nobody realised she had, and fired once. It shot right into the wall right next to her head, missing her by inches. "Well I'm a dangerous girl." and then sat back down again. Everyone in the hall was silenced, until Tony started laughing, when people started looking at him he covered his mouth. "That was some wicked aim!" James Potter exclaimed with excitement, Harry and Sirius laughed at James' reaction and also nodded along. Remus was more discreet and hid his smile.  Lily looked at them as if they were crazy, she nearly died for Merlin's sake. They all heard laughing and turned to the source. Raisa had turned around in her seat and was laughing at their reactions. They all smiled at her and she smiled back, it was nice to have some connection with her. Even if it was just a smile.


Coulson and Steve are standing in the bridge, just waiting. AGENT JASPER SITWELL is in the background running the face trace. 

"That stupid, slimy git" Raisa muttered Then just as it was about to continue a loud gasp was heard. "Miss Novikov, how dare you use that language. I mean, Cap, did you hear that? Disgusting" Tony said exasperated. The man mentioned just rolled his eyes at the man's joking. He thought this was over. Raisa saw the interaction and smiled, perhaps they might put the fight behind them.

AGENT COULSON: I mean, if it's not too much trouble. 

STEVE: No-no, it's fine. 

AGENT COULSON: It's a vintage set. Took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint, slight foxing around the edges but

AGENT JASPER SITWELL: We got a hit. Sixty seven percent match. Wait- cross-match, seventy nine percent. 


 AGENT JASPER SITWELL: Stuttgart, Germany. Twenty eight, Königstraße. He's not exactly hiding. 

FURY: Captain, you're up. 

Steve nods and walks off. 


A busy street. Cars pull up and drop off fancy guests.


 String quartet No. 13 is playing in a large ballroom filled with people talking, mingling. 


Steve walks through a door and in a case is the new and improved CAPTAIN AMERICA suit. He walks over to it and stares. 


Two guards outside are shot down with arrows while securing the building. 


 The quinjet is speeding across the cloudy skies, making its way to Germany.

"Damn, this is about to get good," Some Slytherin said. "Blaise, seriously, this probably means that people are going to be hurt." Another boy said. "But Theo, there's going to be action," The boy now known as Blaise said. 

What's this? Two updates within 24 hours. What's going on. I make my chapters in advance so I currently am working on Chapter 15. Just because I have chapters premade does not mean you can ask for updates. I've had a couple people ask for them. I just want to make sure I have some prepared just in case I haven't updated in a while. I also only write when I feel inspired to write, so that can be either once every couple days or once a fortnight but I have no intention of abandoning this book in the near future. 

Make sure to vote and comment. I like hearing all your comments about the plot and what's going on.

 Also question, what is your favourite fandom to read fanfics from? 

- B x

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