Chapter Eighteen: We have a Hulk

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I'm so sorry if this is shit, I'm doing this to stay awake because I fallen victim to the belief Taylor with announce 1989 TV on 09/08 and I want to see it live but Taylor doesn't start until 4 am UK time so I need to stay awake somehow and this is my only option.

- B x

It's now the 20/08 and I just wanted to say that I managed to stay up and saw the announcement along with her new blue outfits and I honestly nearly screamed every time but I couldn't. I also then tried to pre-order a CD but it was only US shipping then waited a couple hours and it was fine. I managed to pre-order the pink deluxe CD and I honestly can't wait. 1989 and Rep are my all time favourites and I can't wait until TV comes out for both.

- B x


Selvig works around the CMS device that has already been set- upon the rooftop of Tony's tower.


Steve walks in full uniform, Raisa following close behind. Natasha looks at them, unprepared.

STEVE: Time to go.

NATASHA: Go where?

STEVE: I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?

Barton walks out of the restroom. Looks at Cap.


Steve looks at Natasha and she nods her head to confirm Barton's on their side.

STEVE: You got a suit?


STEVE: Then suit up.

The three of them then look over to where Raisa was standing. They saw her with a massive smile on her face while also bouncing on the balls of her feet.

RAISA: We're gonna go be superheroes!

The three of them just laughed at her excitement.

KRAKAKABOOM! A blinding BOLT OF LIGHTNING strikes down from above, colliding on MJÖLNIR. The explosion is massive. THE MIGHTY THOR.


Tony WELDS his IRON MAN helmet. LIGHT slips down over IRON MAN's eye holes.

BLACK WIDOW attaches a GLOVE GAUNTLET with her rounds on her wrist. A BLUE LIGHT CHARGES.

HAWKEYE slips on his QUIVER of arrows.

Raisa is seen opening a drawer and in it lay a black cat suit, similar to the Black Widow suit except the stitching was BLUE and there was a blue HOURGLASS on the belt. Firing up the same Glove Gauntlet as Natasha.

"That's your suit!" Harry called out, he thought it looked amazing. He knew of the Avengers but he had never seen them. Hermione would always rant about something the Avengers did. Her favourites were definitely Tony and Raisa because they were smart and they had done so many things and had worked so hard that it inspired her to be the best of the best, to work harder to help people to the best of her ability. He had to say it was very hard not to be in awe of the Avengers with all the stories he has heard.

"Yeah! It's cool right." She responded to him. Harry nodded his head vigorously and they started to geek out over her suit. The Marauders and the Avengers watched the two talk about her suit, her powers and about his magic and smiled at them. It was very sweet to watch the two just ramble for a bit and see how similar they are to each other. After a couple minutes they stopped and saw the adults looking at them "What?" they both questioned at the same time. The adults just laughed and turned back towards the front.

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