Chapter Nineteen: The Super Cool Fight

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Thor and Loki battle savagely. Loki fires ENERGY from the sceptre, sending Thor sliding across the floor.


HAWKEYE looks out to his left window, finding a target.


BLACK WIDOW: See them.

HAWKEYE BANKS the jet towards STARK TOWER. Aims the MINIGUN at Loki. Loki AIMS the sceptre at the QUINJET and FIRES A BLAST OF ENERGY. Thor gets to his feet, TACKLING Loki down hard. THE QUINJET is soon caught on fire. HAWKEYE manoeuvres one wing of the jet. They SPIN and SLOW. DROPPING OUT OF THE AIR AS IT PASSES OVER SKYSCRAPERS. Then... they SLAM into the street.

Many gasps were let out around the hall as the Quinjet crashed. It was frightening as there were people inside the only peace of mind they had was that they people inside the Quinjet were there in front of them.


With everyone okay, HAWKEYE and BLACK WIDOW unfasten their seatbelts and open the ramp. CAPTAIN AMERICA runs down, followed by HAWKEYE, SAPPHIRE SORCERESS and BLACK WIDOW. Each one has their respected weapons in hand.


The group of FOUR arrives in the middle of a four-way street. Suddenly, the city LURCHES to a stop. A DEEP, PRIMAL RAGE BELLOWS OUT. With that roar, a SHADOW comes over them.


From the portal, a CHITAURI LEVIATHAN FLIES OUT! Carrying hundreds of SOLDIERS, the CHITAURI LEVIATHAN PASSES OVER the group of FOUR.

The witches and wizards look at the screen in horror. Most of them had no idea that muggles had such technology, now other life forms were able to infiltrate earth without any of them knowing. It was terrifying for them to think of.


They look up, out of their element. From both sides, CHITAURI SOLDIERS CLING OFF and attach themselves to the sides of the buildings, sliding down. Some CRASH into these buildings and begin FIRING from their ENERGY RIFLES at innocent people.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Stark, are you seeing this?


TONY: I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?


TONY: Just keep me posted. Jarvis, find me a soft spot.

IRON MAN quietly flies behind and parallel with the CHITAURI LEVIATHAN.


Thor holds down Loki's face straight ahead, forcing him to watch the city falling to ash.

THOR: Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?

LOKI: (tries to look away) It's too late. It's too late to stop it.

THOR: No. We can. Together.

Loki looks at his brother, showing a sign of hope. Then... Loki stabs Thor with a small knife. Thor keels over.

LOKI: Sentiment.

Thor gets up, KICKS Loki and lifts him into the air. Thor then SLAMS him down, hard. Loki, bleeding, rolls over the edge. Thor looks down. LOKI IS RIDING ON A FLYING CHARIOT. DOZENS of CHITAURI follow his lead.

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