Kendall and Harry

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The local pet store is closing for the night and Kendall's boss trusted her to lock up. She recently got a part-time job there and absolutely loved it. She has been working there for about a month and already has a friend.

Since Kendall is very popular in school, most of her friends are only there for the popularity. It made Kendall feel good that someone is her friend because they wanted to get to know her. 

She finally puts the key in her pocket and telling herself over and over again to give them to her boss first thing tomorrow morning. 

She gets on her bike and pedals home. When she arrives at home, she gets her personal key from her other pocket and opens the front door. Tomorrow is Saturday and most 18-year-olds would probably sleep in, but Kendall has to be at the pet store at 8:00am.

She heads up to her room and instantly falls asleep.

She wakes up in the morning to her alarm clock next to her. It's 6:30 and she needs to leave around 7:15 to make it to work on time.

She gets dressed in her uniform and dashes down the steps. Her mom is in the kitchen making breakfast before she heads to work herself.

"Hey, mom," Kendall greets her and she smiles.

"Kendall, do you mind feeding the cats real quick?" her mother asks her and she obeys.

After feeding the cats, she grabs a bagel out of the fridge and eats it quickly. Then, she gets outside and heads on her way to work.

She arrives at the pet store and unlocks the front door. Her boss would be there any minute to get the key from her. It was her first time locking the store at night and unlocking it in the morning, and she thinks she did fine.

A few moments after she dusts her check out station, her boss walks in followed by her friend, Layla.

"Kendall! Do you mind coming over my house tonight? There's someone I want you to meet," she asks and Kendall smiles.

"Sure. My shift ends at 3," Kendall replies and walks over to her boss. "Here you go." Kendall hands her boss the key.

"Nice job, Kendall," he replies and she chuckles.

"It's not that hard to lock and unlock a door," Kendall responds and Layla laughs along with her.

"You'd be surprised at how many people mess that up," he mutters under his breath and walks to his office in the back. The store would be opening any minute now. Layla had to get in her assigned aisle and put away some new deliveries and Kendall had to stand at her cash register. Kendall takes her hair tie and puts her curly brown hair in a pony-tail ready for a day's work.

*Later that Day*

"Hey, Lottie, it's time for your shift," Kendall states looking at her watch and glancing at the 17-year-old girl before her.

"Ok!" the hyper blond shouts enthusiastically and takes over for Kendall. Kendall takes out her pony-tail and the hair tie returns to her wrist.

"Ok, Layla, let's go to your house," Kendall explains as Layla is ready standing towards the front doors.

"Awesome," she mumbles and they get out on their bikes and pedal towards Layla's house.

They finally arrive at the house on the end of a cute suburban neighborhoods you usually see in movies. There are a few cars parked out front.

We head inside and there are five guys sitting on the sofa watching Spongebob. I turn towards Layla and she smirks.

"Harry," she simply states and a boy with curly brown hair turns around and notices us standing here.

"Layla!" he shouts and gets off the couch. He heads towards Layla and hugs her.

"Kendall, this is my cousin, Harry," she explains introducing us. "And Harry, this is my friend, Kendall."

"Hello, love," he greets me and holds out his hand. I shake his hand and can't help but seem to get lost in his green eyes. His charming smile is pulling me in... Am I in love?

"H-Hi," I stutter then blush. I'm usually so confident around guys, but there is something different with Harry. He makes me nervous for some reason.

"Do you want to get some dinner together sometime?" he asks in an attractive British accent. I blush and nod until I can finally find some words.

"Sure," I reply and give a smile back to him. 

"See? Aren't my math making skills great?" Layla asks and Harry and I chuckle at the comment.

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