Sophie and Louis

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Sophie is heading to the mall with her friend, Gigi, in the front seat and her other two friends, Rosalie and Anna, in the back seat of her brand new car. She's been saving since she was seven, so consideiring she's 18, she's been saving for 11 years.

"Yay! We're finally here," Sophie informs her three closest friends while she parks her car. 

"Yes!" Rosalie shouts and everyone giggles.

"Let's go," Sophie demands and gets out of the car. She's always been the sassy type and she's definitely the leader of her group of friends.

Sophie flips her straight brown hair behind her shoulder and smiles with her brown eyes showing pure joy. She's very bubbly and girly, but she also has a fun side.

They walk through the doors and head right to Forever 21, their favorite store. 

"Oh my gosh, these shorts are so adorable!" Sophie admires a pair of dark denim shorty shorts and her friends love them, too. 

"They are so cute!" Gigi exclaims.

"Agreed," Anna adds with a smile.

"You should buy them, Sophie, they'd look great on you!" Rosalie suggests and Sophie smiles.

"They would, wouldn't they?" she wonders while holding them over her red jeans she has on now. All her friends nod in agreement and Sophie walks to the check out area and buys the shorts.

"Awesome," Rosalie concludes their visit to Forever 21. As they're walking towards Hollister, a guy who seems lost runs over to them.

"Um, excuse me, ladies, but I seemed to have lost my four best friends," he explains in a British accent. "Could you help me find them?" He begs with his blue/green eyes and flips his brown hair to the side.

"Sure," Sophie says almost automatically. This guy is cute. She's fascinated and can tell that she's forming a crush on the guy she doesn't really even know.

"Are you sure, Sophie?" Rosaline asks cautiously.

"Your name is Sophie? That's a pretty name. My name is Louis," the guy explains and Sophie smiles.

"Well, Louis, we can help you find your friends," Sophie suggests and he smiles back.

"Look, Sophie, we don't know him," Anna explains and Louis's smile fades.

"Girls, it's ok. He's kind of cute," Sophie adds and winks at Louis. Louis smiles and winks back with pure joy plastered on his face.

Sophie and her friends then start searching the mall for this guy's friends. All through the search, Louis and Sophie are wlaking next to each other and talking about themselves while Rosalie, Anna, and Gigi are doing the actual searching. 

"Do you want to hang out sometime?" Louis asks and Sophie smiles.

"I thought you'd never ask," she replies condescendingly and Louis takes hold of her hand. They both blush, but Sophie allows it.

"Come on, lovebirds," Anna snaps and they continue searching.

Finally, after what seemed like forever to the three other girls, they finally find Louis's friends, Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

Louis and Sophie exchange numbers and plan a date for the next Saturday. They both leave the mall smiling. 

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