Bridgitte and Louis

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It was the night of 17-year-old Bridgitte Noelle's piano recital. She's been practicing for months and months with her piano instructor. She's more nervous than anything, but will never give this up for anything. 

Bridgitte also loves to sing, but her parents drive her more towards piano. She doesn't mind considering she loves playing the piano, but sometimes it gets stressful and singing helps her relieve stress more when piano just causes it.

"Next up, Bridgitte Noelle," Bridgitte hears her name and makes her way to the stage as confidently as she could. She took a deep breath as she sat down at the piano in the middle of the stage. Her fingers begin moving across the keys so naturally and wonderfully. She begins smiling when she realizes she isn't failing.

She finally finishes her piece and bows. She then goes back stage where her parents are there to congratulate her.

"Are you Bridgitte?" a British accent makes her attention turn towards the unknown boy behind her.

"Yes," she replies and the boy smiles.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, in case you didn't know that," he responds and Bridgitte eyes him suspiciously. Gosh, he looked familiar.

"Do I know you?" she finds herself asking.

"Most likely, but I don't know you,"  he replies with a smile racing across his lips.

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asks extremely scared. But, then again, he looks familiar.

"I'm from One Direction," he responds and Bridgitte suddenly knows who he is. This band has made the girls at her school go wild, but she never really paid any attention to them whatsoever. She always thought of it as a waste of time. 

"What are you doing here?" Bridgitte asks now curious about Louis and she's actually becoming less scared and more nervous. Does she like him?

"My younger sister's best friend moved here a few years ago and we're visiting her. She was here with her piano as well. Do you play any other instruments?" Louis asks and Bridgitte shakes her head.

"I sing, but that's pretty much it," she responds and then there's a silence.

"Well, we should get together sometime," Louis suggests and Bridgitte smiles.

"We should," she agrees with a smile.

"Can I have your number so I can call you sometime and maybe set up a date for us? You seem like a great girl," Louis adds and Bridgitte nods.

"Sure," she replies and grabs a pen and paper from her music bag. She then jots down her number and hands it to Louis.

"I'll call you later. Well, I have to go. See you soon," Louis concludes the conversation as Bridgitte smiles with a warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart.

"See you soon," she agrees and smiles wide.

Not even a few moments after Louis leaves, Bridgitte's cell phone goes off. She answers the unrecognizable number.

"Hello?" Bridgitte greets knowing it's going to be Louis.

"Bridgitte! It's Louis," Louis responds and Bridgitte smiles as she becomes packing up to leave herself.

"Hi," she manages to say not knowing what else to say.

"We need to figure out a date for our first date," Louis explains and Bridgitte laughs.

"Yes we do," she agrees and exits through the font doors of the building. She heads to her car as her and Louis begin discussing good times. 

Finally, after several minutes, she starts her car and takes a deep breath. This was going to be great.

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