Flor and Liam

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"Are you ready for the science fair, Flor?" Flor's best friend, Jackie, asks her in the middle of Geometry.

"Yes," Flor replies confidently. "I have a plan." She smiles and winks at Jackie. Jackie tries to hold back laughter along with her goofy friend.

Tonight is the science fair and 16-year-old Flor put so much work into her experiment. She wanted to see if plants would grow faster with music or without music. The four different types of music she used were classical, pop, country, and rock. And, of course, there was the one plant without music.

She didn't actually have a "plan". That was just a joke between her and Jackie. When they say they have a a plan, it means they're confident about something and know they will do well. Flor is extremely confident about her experiment. She put so much work into it and she already got an A on the written work. Now, all she wants to do is win the science fair and be accomplished.

Last year, she almost made third, but Hannah in her class got it. Their scores were only a point difference and Flor was furious. 

But, she tried to stay happy considering Jackie came in second. But, this year, Flor is determined to at least come in third.

*At the Science Fair*

Jackie and Flor's displays are right next to each other so they can see what the other one is doing. All they had to do was walk into the gymnasium where all the boards are set up and stand by their project then wait for a judge to come around.

"I heard Ms. Smith's brother's son is going to see our projects tonight. I think he's also bringing four of his closest friends," Jackie informs Flor as she heads to her poster.

"Why does that matter?" Flor asks raising an eyebrow. 

Ms. Smith is from England, but came here to study to be a science teacher. She has a thick British accent and most people at her school love hearing her talk.

"Her nephew is Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. You know, if the rumors are true. And his four best friends? I think One Direction is coming tonight," Jackie explains and Flor rolls her eyes.

"Sure they are, Jacks," she responds sarcastically. "You know about our class and rumors. They're most likely false."

"I guess we'll just wait and see, right?" Jackie asks and they are staring at each with looks of confusion and thoughtfulness.

"I guess we'll wait and see," Flor concludes the bewildering subject.

Soon, a guy with white hair and bright blue eyes walks over to Flor's project. From what she's heard, this must be Ms. Smith's father.

"Please tell me about your project," he suggests in a British accent. 

Flor begins explaining what she did. The song she used for the pop genre was What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction.

After the judge said good job and all that other stuff, five guys walk through the front doors of the gym. The rumors were true. One Direction was in the gym looking at all their projects.

Ms. Smith hugs Louis and now Flor knows that to be true. Ms. Smith's nephew is Louis Tomlinson. How is this even possible?

The five guys separate themselves and walk in different directions of the gym. Since there were so many Directioners in her class, Flor is surprised as to why no one is screaming or at least dying of being a fangirl. I guess her class is better at conrtolling emotions than she thought.

Liam Payne walks over to Flor's science experiment and begins reading the poster.

"You did our song for pop?" he asks glancing towards Flor.

Something inside Liam and Flor clicked when their eyes met. Flor became extremely nervous as well as Liam.

"Y-Yeah," Flor responded and Liam smiles.

"You're very pretty, you know?" he asks not even realizing what he's saying.

Flor blushes and uses her hand to remove her long blond wavy hair out of her face. Her green eyes are staring at her feet and an idiotic smile forms on her lips. Liam smiles as well only being able to process how this girl makes him feel.

Flor looks up into Liam's big brown eyes and finds herself smiling even wider.

"Thank you," she finally manages to say and glances towards her poster. "Do you want to know anything about my project?"

"Sure," Liam responds looking forward to listening to her talk about her experiment. He likes this girl and sees something in her that's different from other girls. In a good way, of course.

Flor finally finishes talking about her experiment and looks over at Liam who's been staring hopelessly at her from the beginning of her explanation. She gives a slight smile.

"Did I do well?" she asks realizing he probably wasn't listening to a word she was speaking.

"Perfectly fine," he simply replies and smiles.

"So," Flor states awkwardly pulling on the cuffs of her jacket sleeves. Both of their cheeks are red and they both like each other.

"May I get your number? I'll call you tonight," Liam asks and Flor smiles.

"Of course," she responds as they each take out their phones. They exchange phones and put each of their numbers in. They hand their phones back.

"I will call you after this science fair is over and great experiment," Liam compliments as he begins to head towards another project.

"Thank you," Flor mumbles as he walks away.

"What was that?" Jackie asks after witnessing the whole thing.

"I don't really know," Flor responds still dazed by the boy who just stole her heart.

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