Sabrina and Niall

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Sabrina and her family go on annual vacations to Florida every year. She's 16 this summer and isn't looking forward to this summer's vacation. She's missing a concert for Ed Sheeran with her best friend, Mary.

"Mom, I don't want to go," Sabrina complains as they board the plane.

"When you were little, you always looked forward to these vacations," her mom replied and she sighed. She obviously didn't want to go, so why did her parents waste money for an extra ticket? Why couldn't she spend the week at her friend's house? These were questions floating around in Sabrina's head.

"Sabrina, quit complaining," her 14-year-old sister, Savannah, commands in a bossy way.

"Fine, but you're sitting no where near me on the plane!" Sabrina finally reaches a compromise.

When they finally get on the plane, Sabrina sits more towards the front than her family. Other people board the plane when suddenly five guys board the plane. They look suspicious considering they have on sunglasses and their hoodies are on over their heads. Sabrina silently hopes one of them doesn't take the empty next to her.

But, since her luck was just so great, one of them sits down next to her.

"Hi," he greets Sabrina and she tenses up. She didn't know if this guy is dangerous or not.

"Hello," you can hear the fear in her voice. In her head she wishes she were with her family.

"Don't be scared," the guy replies taking off his sunglasses and pulling down his hood. He looked familiar, but Sabrina didn't know where she has seen him before. He also has a thick Irish accent, which makes Sabrina smile.

Sabrina doesn't know why, but she feels as though she can trust the stranger sitting next to her. He seems trustworthy and cute. Yes, definitely cute. Sabrina might be devolping a tiny crush on the boy.

"Do I know you?" Sabrina asks raising an eyebrow at him. 

"I don't think we've met before, but you might know me from One Direction since I am a member of that international boy band," he replies and Sabrina's eyes light up.

"That's where I know you from! You're, um," she responds desperately trying to remember his name.

"Niall Horan," he finishes her sentence when he realizes she can't remember his name.

"That's it," Sabrina smiles. "I'm Sabrina by the way."

Right when Sabrina says her name, Niall suddenly becomes nervous. He's developing a crush on Sabrina and he can feel it. She didn't scream when she found out he was famous. She's so wonderful.

Niall looks into Sabrina's hazel eyes with his blue eyes and feels a connection between them. He smiles causing Sabrina to smile. He really wants to get to know this girl.

Niall reaches for a napkin and jots down his number on it. He hands it to Sabrina blushing slightly.

"Here's my number. Text me sometime," he winks at her and they both smile.

This was going to be a plane ride Sabrina will never forget and she's kind of happy that she agreed to go to Florida.

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