She learned it the hard way. Some people were never meant to exist. Not even the Doctor wants her as a companion. But then the Master saves her from certain death and discovers that this human girl might be of more use to him than he expected.
A/N: You know... I rewatched "The Doctor's daughter" and got obsessed with the idea of: What would have happened if the Master was there instead?
Also, I needed a new profile pic for Discord and stuff and included Kira. I actually picture him to be more black with a light purple shimmer, depending on the light... but is's so hard to do in a drawing X__x And for the sake of contrast and stuff...
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Too many thoughts were running through my mind again. This steady back and forth with the Master had become so familiar, so... reliable, in a way, that it felt outright uncanny to have him try and be so open with me during the last days. And now that the Doctor was also in the picture, even this acquired sense of balance was tipping in a direction I could impossibly predict. It was bad enough to be so aware of my short life span, and now there were also all the other things I fell short with, compared to a Time Lord.
For an hour or so I did nothing but wander through the corridors, not knowing where to go and wanting to stay in motion. The only thing I made sure of was to not stray away too far from familiar territory. Getting lost inside the TARDIS wouldn't help now. It was no surprise, then, to meet Wilf after a while, exiting his door and closing it with almost fatherly gentleness.
"It's a fascinating thing, isn't it?" he asked when he saw me. "A ship. But it's... it's alive, isn't it? Feels like it is. Old girl here." He chuckled and stroked the frame of the door with his fingers. "You keep the Doctor company when no one else does, eh?"
His words made me smile. The ways the TARDIS tended to communicate were indeed fascinating. Wilf bent forward a little, inspecting Kira, who sat on my shoulder.
"I thought it was a toy. It's so small. But Donna said it's a dragon. A real little dragon?"
I chuckled and nodded. "Yep. Well, it depends on what myth you want to go with. He's actually more of a wyvern, but... I guess that doesn't really matter." I scratched his little head and then turned. "Shall we go and have a look at what the others are up to?"
"That was my plan, yes." Wilf's eyes twinkled friendly. "Still can't wrap my head around this fantastic place. Donna's one lucky girl. But..."
We stopped walking and I glanced at the old man, who was looking uncomfortable for a moment. "What is it?"