Chapter Eight

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"Her heart was a secret garden, and the walls were very high. Only one that is determined to love her enough, will be able to pass through and finally make her open up."


As I wait for the sliding doors to open towards Jenna's pool, I take in a few breaths before I truly enter the party.

The fact that that creep could've forced me into things, and Austin, deliberately, came to the party just made me feel nauseous again.

But I knew that it's time for some fun.

I gently remove my high heels and throw them somewhere towards the kitchen. I tug my dress and throw it on the floor, leaving me wearing only my leopard body swimsuit.

As I let my toes touch the cold, soaked, blue tile of the floor surrounding the pool, I am ready to change my mind and leave when someone sweeps me off my feet and throws me into the pool. I scream and before I know it I'm in the warm, heated water, filled with couples or horny teenagers kissing on every corner, and a couple of girls, that have the guts, are dancing in the center of the pool.

I giggle when Jenna offers me a drink,

"I think I had enough, thanks though." She shrugs,

"More for me." We both laugh and I finally feel my shaking body relax in the heated water.

"Hey, let's go dance!" I shout to her through the loud music, she immediately nods in excitement and before we know it we're in the center dancing energetically. We all laugh, and everyone seems to be having a good time. I spot Skyler in the right corner of the pool with a tall, handsome looking guy. He's very handsome actually. Not like Austin though. My eyes widen at the thought I just had. What the fuck? I huff. Where is he anyway?

I was so lost in my abnormal thoughts that I didn't notice that Jenna has now left my side and wandered off somewhere.

As I search around for Jenna, my eyes spot her beautiful blonde hair at the outside bar next to the pool with her back on me. As I try to swim towards the edge of the pool and see with who she is standing, two strong muscular arms grab me by my waist and my ears are replaced with the sound of a mature laugh. My eyes flicker onto the person that is now holding me in the water bride style.

"Brandon!" My eyes gleam in delight when I meet my boy best friend's eyes.

"You made it!" I giggle in elation as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Of course, anywhere just to see my little Am." He laughs and pulls me into a close hug. 

"Wow, it's been 2 months! How's London?" I ask him, surprised that he's here. A couple of months ago, Brandon received a full Scholarship at Yale, yeah he's that smart and has moved to London ever since. I haven't seen him for ages.

"Oh, it is delightful actually!" He answers in his horrible, fake British accent.

"Still working on that accent ha?" I laugh and he pushes me lightly on the shoulder with his fist.

"Still working on trying to look ugly ha?" He jokes and I blush by his compliment. 

"How are you?"

"I'm fine." I give him a small smile and he frowns,

"I mean from... you know? And because of everything with Nat and stuff."

I immediately look down in embarrassment and frustration. I really don't want people talking about my previous situation.

"Of course. I'm fine, really."

We both speak a little more about what we missed out for the past 2 months and when he's finally done talking about his new BMW car, I get the urge to turn around and look at where Jenna was before.

As I turn my head, I see a tall, handsome figure that hasn't been leaving my mind lately his hands shoved into his pockets. He shoots a wild, cruel glare towards Brandon and then his beautiful, dazzling eyes lock into mine.

Before I can react, I notice a small, tender arm locking with his, and Jenna is whispering something to him. His eyes are still locked in mine, all the music around me blurs, and mutes as our eyes lock for a few seconds.

He finally breaks from the spell and turns to Jenna, offering her a smile before letting her drag him along. A weird, annoying knot that I've been trying to ignore ever since I met him tightens in my stomach, and I feel like running away and disappearing forever. What was that all about? I gave Jenna permission to do whatever she wants with him. And, I'm fine with it. I'm fine.

"Hey, you alright?" I feel a strong arm touching my shoulder and everything around me comes alive again. The loud music blasts through my ears again, drowning all my thoughts. I blink a few times when I take a last look of Austin being dragged inside by Jenna.

"Uh, ye-yeah I'm fine. I just really need to go to the bathroom." I stammer, and before I know it, I'm jumping out the pool, ignoring all the rude whistles coming from a few guys on the left corner and my feet are dragging me along, following them.

What am I doing?


"Lips and tongues lie. But actions never do. No matter what words are spoken, actions betray the truth of everyone's heart."

I know very short chapter! I promise in a few weeks they will be much longer! Hope you're enjoying my story up to now.

Just go ahead and comment your rating of this story up to now here :)

Love you guys <3 Please let me know if I'm doing a good job with this! Don't be a silent reader!

Write for you guys soon <3

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