Chapter Nineteen

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Dedicated to the most important date for over 15 states, 26/6/15, where despite of who you are, and whom you fall in love with, you can finally marry your lover :)

"Everyone has the right to love and be loved. Love doesn't divide people depending on their sexual orientation. Just human with human."

"Am, what happened to you? You look like a zombie," Caroline shrieks when she sees my exhausted state and I fall on the couch next to her.

"Sleepless night." I simply state and divert my attention to Skyler, "you young lady have some explaining to do!" I point at Skyler where she's brewing coffee in the kitchen with a small smile playing on her lips.

Skyler's cheeks redden, and her eyes refuse to meet with mine.

"About Aiden," Jenna winks at me, and I nod eagerly waiting to be fed the gossip.

"You just disappeared, that is very unlikely of Skyler Todd!" I proclaimed and Skyler's mouth gaped open,

"Hey, I've sneaked off with many guys be - before!" The stutter at the end completely gives her away and we all laugh at her desperate attempt to prove to us something that we already know is not true. Little does she know that her difficulty and refusal of most guys is actually something she should praise as a trait.

"Go on, tell us what happened!" Caroline begged and we all crossed our arms waiting for her to offer us the juicy details.

"Well, he's really nice." And?...

"Skyler, you literally snack off with this guy the first chance you got! Did you do anything?" Caroline presses on, as she finishes her coffee, puts it in the sink and walks back to the couch.

"Honestly? We did nothing!," she beamed and I'm kind of perplexed by her amusement. What does it mean when a guy does nothing you? Is it something you should be happy about? Does it mean he wasn't interested in you in that way? Does it mean he's mature? Or does it mean he has enough respect for you to not try something from the first night? Men are indeed from Mars because there's something I can never, as a woman, understand: Their intentions.

"We talked all night," she continues, "and he is so funny. The whole night consisted of my laugh and his silly childhood stories." She laughs and her eyes gleam with delight. I smile at her happiness, but at the same time can't help but realize one thing. Love isn't supposed to hurt and bring pain, it's supposed to put you in a dreamlike state and fill you with everlasting joy and a feeling of ecstatic happiness instead of fights and painful interactions. That's why I need Austin to stay away from me. He only offers a negative energy and I really can't handle a guy like him right now. I used to have major depression, and I'm not planning to fall back to it again. And really, who says it ever left? Anything can trigger it again.

"That's good, it's obvious that he makes you happy," I comment, and she shifts her gaze into mine.

"Yeah, he really does." She smiles, but mostly to herself.

"Caroline, what about you? You disappeared that night too!" Jenna turns her gaze to Caroline and Caroline raises an eyebrow. As Jenna awaits a response she begins making pancakes. A summer tradition.

Skyler is now sitting next to me, with a cup of coffee in her right hand and the other flipping over the new edition of Vogue. Caroline tries to avoid the conversation by focusing her attention on the enormous, flat-screen TV. She finally admits after a few minutes,

"Oh, he was nothing. Not planning to call him anytime soon," her tone blunt and emotionless. I roll my eyes at her typicality. Caroline is never one to settle down with a normal relationship. When she finds a hot guy, she lures him into bed, and after a great night, never contacts them again. That's the difference between her and Skyler. Skyler is very cautious and innocent with guys, while Caroline just doesn't give a fuck about their emotions. There are so many guys that fall at her feet, but she just rejects their "nasty, desperate balls off". Caroline is obviously not a virgin, lost her virginity when she was 15 to her very first, real boyfriend. Skyler, on the other hand, is a virgin like me. I bet Jenna and Caroline are waiting for the day when we're deflowered so all the group is experienced. I find it very important, sex, and I see it as a way of human to bond with a human. It's something very emotional for me, so I would prefer to do it with someone important, that makes me happy and comfortable...

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