Chapter Twenty Two

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"You can give me a chance and treat me right, or you can watch someone else do it."

On top, is how the new stranger looks like ;)

I approach the mirror, my feet shaking and my hands trembling. I kneel against the sink, letting my head fall between my shoulders with a weakening feeling of defeat. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Liam was here today. I had been trying for so long to make myself forget, to change my past, to make him only a figment of my imagination. But seeing him here today, with a knife against my neck: I hadn't been more scared in my entire life, and he had never been so real.

I had never been so scared for my life before, which is ironic because I always imagined what it was like to take that very life. Now that my whole existence was threatened, I cannot stop thinking about how desperately I needed saving, for the first time in my life. My dad wasn't there, just like the last time Liam had threatened and violated me. My mum wasn't there. My sister. Not even Austin that would find himself to my rescue every time someone would violate me. No, it was that stranger. The one that saved, quite literally, my life and if it's wasn't for him I could have been dead by now. For the first time, I don't feel like a dependent, weak girl. I'm not mad this time that someone saved me, just like I was at Austin when he would every time. This time I'm thankful because I know that even if I was the physically strongest girl out there, Liam's evil and deadly glare would have still made me buckle from weakening fear. I needed someone to save me today, and I owe my life to the person that did.

The loud music abruptly shoots through my sensitive ears and I whimper from the vibration coming from the speakers. I look around, desperate to find my friends but unfortunately, they're nowhere to be found.

I drag my body along, and despite my horrible state, I still somehow try to smile at the people staring at me, as a weak attempt to pretend I'm fine. But I'm not. My bestfriends' ex, that raped me only a year ago, ruined my fucking life, and caused me terrible nightmares and insomnia since then, has appeared once again threatening to destroy and this time kill me. If it wasn't for that guy... I suddenly feel a need to search and find him. From all that panic and fear I wasn't able to thank him correctly, even if he is just another stranger.

I take a deep breath and start looking for him, checking the center and every corner of the room. After a few minutes, I finally give up, and since I've searched every corner and edge of this place and haven't even spotted my friends, I decided to walk out alone.

As soon as I open the door, two figures flash before me, one is tall and muscular, and the other is delicate and thin. My eyelids stare for a second and immediately lower. The tattooed guy with the green eyes is holding the tender female in his arms, his tongue shoved down her throat. As I'm about to divert my gaze away, he opens his eyes and unlocks his liplock when he notices me.

I attempt to look away but something's got me captivated into looking into those emerald eyes. He stretches his arms out, to push her away, and doesn't stop looking at me when the girl says,

"Uh, excuse me, can't you see we're busy here?" She asks annoyed, and my eyes flicker to her attempting to give her a small, peace-making smile,

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." I immediately look down at the floor, trying to hide my reddish embarrassment. I try to energize my legs to walk away from them when I hear the girl heave out a frustrated sigh and a warm presence appears next to me.

"Hey, are you okay? You know... from before?" He asks, concern full in his voice. His long, raven-black hair is now settled a little to the side and his lips seem a little swollen. 

"Uh, I'm good, thanks to you," I answer, and give him a warm smile of appreciation before I look down at the floor. I don't know where I am going, but I know that wherever I am, it's with him. Does that even make sense? I mean I just met him and I rarely let myself open up so easily to a stranger.

"What did that creep want anyway? Did you know him?" He asks, his pupils dilate a little, and he hair flips his fringe, expertly to the side. His lean body is so much taller than mine, so he has to look down at me like I'm some kind of dwarf.

"It's actually a really long, painful story..." I say, and wrap my arms around my chest, trying to cover myself up.

"Well, care to share this with a stranger, that just saved you from the trouble of having to explain this to the police?" He says and my eyebrows furrow together.

"The police?" I ask, and he breathes a chuckle that bursts butterflies through my stomach.

"If it weren't for me, someone else would've caught him, and would've definitely called the police." He answers and looks towards the distance. We finally come to a halt right on the edge of the pathway and I find myself asking, where am I headed?

"Why didn't you call the police?" I ask.

" Because saving you would have been a lot faster?" He answers, and stops on his tracks when he sees I stopped walking.

"Well, maybe I can take you up to that offer since I have nowhere to be tonight..." I tug on my dress and try to straighten it, waiting for his answer.

"I could take you somewhere where we can talk in private?" He asks, and his eyebrow raises a bit in question when I make a disagreeing face.

"I don't think your girlfriend would really approve with that idea," I add, and he lets out a low laugh.

"Oh, her back there? No, she's not my girlfriend." He answers simply, after dragging his hand through his hair and bringing it away from his forehead.

"Really? Because it seemed like you were both on full snogging level back there." He raises his right eyebrow a little bit and he shakes his head as for me to drop it and that she's no one.

"Come on, it's only a 5-minute walk from here." He gestures a bow as for me to walk along with him,

"My lady." He adds on with a grin, his white teeth shining charmingly.

"Oh, and you think I can trust you this easy? Just because you saved my life, doesn't mean I can trust you to take me in the middle of nowhere." I giggle a little and I can see the playfulness in his eyes.

"Well, who knows? I could probably save girls from murderous creeps all the time to just lead them out the forest into a cabin so I can persistently kill them." I laugh and he chuckles.

"Do you trust me?" He adds, a little more serious.

"I don't know yet. Heck, I don't even know your name!" I answer and cross my arms over my chest.

"Killian Garner, yours?"

"Amelia Donovan," I tell him and he nods, a sparkle in his eye.

He lets his hand out, a gesture to join my palm with his and lead me along, and something inside me screams, 'Go!'


Hey guys! Got many things planned for this book :D So excited for you guys to read on, and I'm sure you'll love the twists.

What did you guys think of this chapter? What do you think of Killian?

Love you guys! Let's get to 3K Reads! So close... (2.9 R.)

Write for you guys soon, toodles :*

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