Chapter Twenty - Six

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"I'm too selfish to let you go..."

The sudden pain in my chest is increasing every step I take. I don't know where I'm going. I just know I'm somewhere in the forest, in the middle of nowhere. I aggressively tap the buttons on my phone, and I turn on the flashlight.

I huff in frustration when I realize that my cellular data isn't working and when I try to open Maps, it leads me nowhere. I heave a deep sigh, and try to calm myself down. Bizarrely I wasn't trying to calm myself down because I was scared, but because my encounter with Austin was still surging both anger and pain through my veins. I really don't think my heart can take any more of this burn. His face keeps appearing in my thoughts continuously and I feel so weak.

My fingers hover over the touchable phone and the numbers. Jenna isn't answering... same as my other two friends. What if something happened to them? Why can't I get ahold of them? I have to go to Jenna's house to check if they're there. God but of course! How will I even get there? I fight the tears away and try to avoid the pain the ragged road is causing my feet. I finally find my way out of the crowded trees and am standing on a sidewalk of a road I don't recognize.

"Hello, Amelia you there?" I blink rapidly, and that's when I realize I have dialed the most recent contact on my phone.

"Killian. I - I don't know where I am." I stutter and I can't help the desperation given away from my voice. I refrain from letting any tears bottle up. I hate how weak I sound. That's when my voice breaks into a cry.

"Shh, you're alright. Just tell me what you see, I'll come and get you." His calm, soothing voice somehow calms me down, and I begin looking around.

"I - I just passed an isolated parking." I cross the road quickly, trying to avoid any material that can cause serious damage to my feet. I weakly sit on the bench on the parking lot and cautiously look around for any trace of life.

"Okay, do you remember anything before that you probably passed or saw?" I can hear his car's engine start, which means he's probably on his way.

"I - I remember seeing a small Kiosk c-called 'Buy or Leave'. Oh, and there's a sign that says W - Winsor Park." I manage to say, through my shaky voice.

"Alright, I know where you are, I'm coming. Just stay in the parking lot okay? I'm coming to get you." He assures me, and I close the phone without replying, terrifying that he might hear me cry. I try to steady my breath and heartbeat by taking a few calm breaths. How could he leave me here, like this? How did I fall in love with him? 

In the distance, I hear a loud horn.

I rise to my feet, and that's when the lights of the car dim, and I see Killian's gorgeous face. Thank god.

He gives me a reassuring smile but I can see hurt in his eyes.


"What happened Amelia? Why were you stranded in the middle of the road?" Killian asks me when I finally calm down and I look able enough to talk.

"He - he just left me there." I look at him with weak, teary eyes. I sniff and rub my eyes before I immediately say,

"But, I'm fine now, thanks to you." I try to give him a small smile and turn my gaze towards the road.

"Was that your boyfriend? Cause that's really some boyfriend." He says, and his voice sounds angry and disappointed.

"No, no. I've just been living at his and his mother's house for almost 4 weeks now with my mother. But thankfully, I'm leaving in 3 days..." At the mention of me leaving, I spot Killian's gaze dim and his jaw tenses.

"Oh." He simply answers, and fixes his stare to the road, with a clenched, hard jaw for my view. I put my head on my palm, and stare outside, towards the dark forest, the tall, various trees standing guard to what secrets this forest is hiding.

"Where do you want me to take you?" He says after a few seconds.


"This it?" Killian says, amazed by Jenna's big mansion. The lights upstairs seem to be open, and I can see Jenna's car parked outside, so my friends are for sure here, probably collapsed on the floor.

"Yeah," I answer and manage to get out of the car. Thankfully, my hair is in place, and my outfit is intact. The only ridiculous part  is that I have no shoes. Killian gets out of his car and comes around.

"Look, any time you need me, Amelia, here's my address. I live in a small Condo with a friend of mine, so don't ever hesitate to come around. I mean, only if you feel safe enough with me of course."

He hands me a small paper with his address on it and I examine it.

"Thank you for everything tonight Killian. I know you just met me, and I'm so sorry for the trouble I put you in." He puts his arms inside his pockets, and I refuse to think of Austin because of that gesture.

"Twice I had to save you today, I feel like a superhero." He smiles and uses his spot on British accent and I can't help but ask,

"Are you from England?"

He chuckles a little and his daring, melting gaze meets mine.

"My mother is English. Dad's from Miami." He answers, and my eyes widen.

"I'm from Miami!" I say excitedly. He chuckles again and I try to calm my excitement down.

"Well then when I happen to be around the area, we should hang out sometime there too?" He offers and I nod eagerly.

"Sure." I smile and he smiles warmly back.

"Anyway, thanks again." I snap back to reality, and I almost forget about those terrible moments with Austin. He has seriously ruined my night...

"See ya." He says and makes a slight nod gesture before approaching the driver's seat and waits inside the car until I enter the house.

What a night...


Hey guys!

Finally, new update am I right?

So what do you guys think of Killian? Of Austin? Don't hate me! I'm not trying to show Austin as the bad guy and Killian the good, I'm just showing Amelia's side.

;) ;) ;) ok enough with the hints! xD








Thank you ALL for 4K reads! GOD I LOVE YOU ALL :D

Toodles :*

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