Ch 7: Explaining

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MKS POV: I finished getting dressed in the bathroom Macaque led me to then just looked in the mirror for a second taking a minute to fix my hair "I DON'T GOT ALL DAY!" Macaque yelled signaling to get out "Ah, right sorry!" I opened the door to see a grumpy shadow monkey, his tail swishing around angrily behind him "Can we go now?!" "Yes sorry about the wait." Macaque didn't awnser me he just rolled his eyes and created a shadow portal beneath us then we were magically outside of pigsys noodles, I opened the door and emedatly got jumped into a tight hug by mei "MK-" "Ow!" I whimpered as mei instantly got off "oh sorry to tight?" She said stepping back "no, not entirely..." I causally picked up my shirt to show her my wrapped injury but tang and pigsy joined in next to her "wait does this have to wit-" mei stopped as the three of them started behind me at Macaque "YOU! What did you tell red boy that he had a wired trama trigger to think we were gonna hurt him?!" Mei demanded pushed me to the side "HEY rude much!" I grummbled pulling my shirt back down " I told him... that's none of your business get lost dragon girl!... wait trama trigger?" His cockiness turned into confusion as he tilted his head slightly 'is that why he barged in crying?' I questioned myself before hearing a sigh "I have a video of it because of my security camera's it'll be easier to show you then to waist time explaining to you, follow me" Pigsy said showing the way "what does that suppost to mean?" I heard Macaque growl as they followed pigsy I also followed but .... slower Redson was right sudden movements did hurt or in this case walking, I kept whimpering and flinching at the pain with every step but thankful I wasn't hobbling ... we eventually made it behind the counter and walked up to a old looking TV with a remote next to it, Pigsy grabbed the remote and played the video he was taking about I felt my heart sink 'poor Redson... I wonder what caused him to have the thought of someone hurting him for a small mistake?' I thought not even realizing the video already ended I just started blankly at the screen "wow I really did a monkey king move right there..." I turned around to see Macaque fidgeting with his fingers

MACAQUES POV: I felt bad I knew why Redson acted like that, his own damn father abused him the second he came back from under that mountain! ... but I didn't think it was this bad to just have a sudden out burst... "wait is that why he has a bruise on the side of his stomac-" I put my hands over my mouth 'SHIT I DID NOT MEAN TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD!!!' They all gave me a questioning look "what are you talking about? I feel like I'm missing out on something else that's happened!" Mk said turning his whole body towards me and not just his head "Well guess what Mk WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!! Both of you explain now. " Dragon girl lowered her voice to a cold deep tone almost threatening but not to me she sounded kind of funny I looked over to Mk his face said otherwise.. Mk..
I had a flash back of what Redson told me 'please don't tell anyone I told noodle boy a different version so if anyone asks tell him to explain' I blinked harshly to get my thoughts to the back of my mind I was probably gonna make Mk explain anyways but who cares "hey kid you explain I'll tell you all the plan me and Princess Iorn Fa-" "WHAT?!!" Everyone yelled I covered my ears in pain and growled they all went quite when they saw me thankfully "OKAY! Now that you have that out of your systems I know you guys don't have a great bond but PLEASE get along it took a lot of asking and we need some on strong" "but were all strong!" Mk said as him and Dragon girl huddled together and did a team pose before wobbling and soon falling on the floor Mk let out a small whimper probably becauseof the pain "like I said strong" I laughed before they both groaned getting off from the floor "Hey it's not that I think you guys(Mk and Dragon girl) are weak it's just that we need to be sure and Princess Iorn Fan is pretty talented so please promise me yall will get along?" They all looked at each other before Mk spoke up for them "Fine..." He sighed "great now let's go to one of the tables so Mk can explain." I muffled shyly I was no longer just talking to 2 people it was all of them at scared me and it was embarrassing to admit it so I won't, we started walking back and sat down at a table as Mk began to explain

REDSONS POV: I woke up in a panic before realizing it was night 'how long was I out for?...' I thought turning away from the window and down to my wound 'I doesn't hurt was it noodle boy that helped me? -GAH!- why can't I remember?!-' my thoughts were cut because of the light snores next to me I shot my head over my shoulder to see mother next to me "Mother wake up." I shook her before she slapped my hand away "son it's 10:00pm go to bed~" she said in her sleepy voice "but-but I just woke up and I need you to explain something to me." She got up and rested her back on the bed frame still on the bed, she glared at me annoyedly "WHAT I'm up be QUICK!" Mother yelled I could tell her patients was running thin "sorry but how does that potion work?... i-i tryed it on noodle boy but it didn't work but it worked for me?" She rolled her eyes "god I thought I would have explained this to you of how many times you get hurt or injured but fine, it's a healing potion for DEMONS like us not humans the potion practically makes it feel like you don't have a injury but I did closer examination and it looks like you fractured the bottom of your rib so I put a special wrap around it so it can heal faster, there now can I go to sleep?" "... so it practically makes all the pain go away but the injury is still there?" I asked "yes now good night" she turned around and covered herself with my bed sheets 'fine... I'll just go to sleep it is night time what else can I do?'

WOOOO CHAPTER 7! I am so glad to be over with this chapter I cannot wait for the next one it has a certain monkey... OKAY BYE MY SILLY BILLYS!

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