Ch 24: Bestfriends sometimes fight

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MK'S POV: I nodded at my simple solution but I still didn't change the feeling I felt like doing, crying. After another few minutes of me being in my thoughts I bumped into something. I slowly look up to see what it was this time. "Oops sorry Mei..." "No worries! So I was just talk with Macaque and-" Mei started rambling about what Macaque had told her but I was only focusing on not crying. I was biting the inside of my cheek to stop my lip from quivering and I was constantly blinking to try and get rid of my tears. "And then... hey Mk are you even listening to me? Mk. Mk. MK!" "WHAT!" I pulled out my staff and almost immediately realized that it was only Mei. "Oh- sorry about that." I put the staff in my ear and awkwardly stood there. "Did you hear what I said?"

It was silent. The only thing you could hear was the wind blowing passed us. " S-so um hey where's Red? N-NOT IN A WEIRD WAY- I just want to know where he is and if he's safe... because I really miss him and I wonder if he's lying again IT'S JUST THAT... He isn't the most honest person and I'm starting to wonder if he really needs help..." "uh-huh... he's with Macaque. They went on top of the mountain to grab something and told the rest of us to wait down here, why you ask'n did something happen between you and your boyfriend hmh~" Mei teased, giving me a big smirk. "What? No-" "Oh something totally happened tell me everything!" Mei giggled, leaning on my my shoulder before I quickly pushed her off. I was in no mood for this. "Didn't you say you were going to stop shipping us because of what he did to your arm?" I pointed to her arm that had a wrap around it, covering the burnt wound. Oh yeah!... Welp! That's in the past it was just a little burn compared to what he did to his Mother he also apologized to me I don't really forgive him but I know he's going through a lot so I'll let this slide- for this once." Mei said the last part in a deeper voice that gave me chills. But it still didn't change my feelings. "Okay thanks... I'm-" "SO CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!?!!?" Mei interupted, leaning on my shoulder again. "Well I-" "PLEASEEEEEE?" She started doing her puppy eyes. "I sould-" "C'MON PRETTY PLEASEEEEE!" "Mei I-" "COME MK PRETTY PRETTY PLEASEEE-" "CAN YOU SHUT UP!" I yelled. I don't think I've ever seen Mei so surprised before, she backed up away from me and just looked at me. "JUST PLEASE BE QUIET SOMETIMES I WONDER IF YOU EVER SHUT UP! ALL YOU DO IS TALK AND TALK AND SMILE YOUR SAME GOOFY SMILE WITHOUT CARING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK OR FEEL! YOU ARE SO OBNOXIOUSLY STUPID IT JUST HURTS ME! NO MEANS NO! IF YOU EVER ACTUALLY LISTENED FOR ONCE YOU'D KNOW THAT! AND OMG YOU NEVER TAKE STUFF SERIOUSLY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT BECAUSE OF YOU A LOT OF PEOPLE COULD BE HURT PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY!! YOUR PARENTS ARE RIGHT ABOUT YOU NEEDING TO LISTEN!! YOU ARE STUCK IN YOUR OWN LITTLE WORLD WERE OTHER PEOPLES WORDS DON'T MATTER, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT NO ONE'S TOLD YOU THIS AND I SHOULD OF A LONG TIME AGO SO YOU WOULD STOP BEING SO DAMN ANNOYING!!!" I've never tapped my mouth so quickly. My heart started pounding. "What?..." Is all Mei muttered. I could clearly see that she was hurt. "No Mei I-I didn't mean it!" I am to stunned to speak. I am to stunned to move. I am to stunned in my own words. My pulse is beating in my ears and my tears are now eating away at my face. I open my mouth to say something but I can't find any words. "Ouch." Mei whispered. She turns her face away and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. I can see the tears are sliding down her cheeks. I feel totally helpless. I let my emotions get the best of me and now I hurt the girl I care about most in the whole wide world. I still have my hands over my mouth. She finally faces me again. "I can't believe you just said that Mk... I've shared and given you everything. EVERYTHING!, And all you've ever thought about me is that?! I've kept all your secrets and I let you vent to me and somehow I'M the obnoxious one?" Somehow words found me. I uncovered my mouth and let the words flow out. "I've done the same... I-I didn't mean it. Please don't be offended..." I'm practically begging her now. She backs up and shakes her head. "How can I not? I thought you were my best friend..." "I AM!" I say. Taking a step forward towards her. "And you're mine! We're the loveable little scamps! Partners in crime!" My tears fill my face whole. This isn't what I wanted. I wanted to go see Macaque to see if he could help me but instead this happened because I couldn't control my emotions. Mei and I have never fought this big before ever- well we've definitely only ever fought this big 5 or 6 times before. It was normally just bickering.  "... I'm your bestfriend-" "Maybe you don't know what a best friend is." She took another step away from me while grabbing her right arm. My jaw drops open. "Mei... best friend hug?..." I can feel my hands are start to shake as I open my arms. "MK! YOU JUST- I... I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU THINK YOU CAN FIX WHAT YOU SAID WITH A HUG! If you really wanted to tell me all of this for a while I think it's best if we spend some time apart..." I felt my eyes widen. The sentence 'I think it's best if we spend some time apart' echoed in my head over and over. It felt like I had a knife in my chest and it was spreading a chemical all over me. I tryed to say something back to try to stop her from speed walking away but nothing came out, except for a shakey sob. She wasn't that far away but I was I felt like I was in space and no one was there to comfort me so I did the one thing I could, Run after her. And that's what I did. "M-MEI!" I croaked reaching an arm out for her but she started running. "LEAVE ME ALONE MK! ARE WHOLE FRIENDSHIP WAS A JOKE TO YOU WASN'T IT?" Mei sobbed running faster. "N-NO IT WASN'T I SWEAR IT WASN'T! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING WHEN I SAID ALL OF THAT! I-I LOVE YOU AND YOUR THE MOST FUNNIEST PERSON I'VE EVER MET! MY LIFE WOULD OF NEVER BEEN COMPLETE IF I DIDN'T MEET YOU! I LIVE TO SEE YOUR FUNNY BUBBLY SMILE EVERYDAY! I LIVE TO HEAR YOUR VOICE AND YOUR TEASING- SURE IT'S ANNOYING BUT I'D NEVER GIVE IT UP-" "LIAR!" Mei stopped running and turned around to look at me. I dug my heels into the ground to stop me from bumping into her. I stopped a few inches away from her and wiped my tears. "YOUR A LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! I- HOLY SHIT MK MOVE!" I quickly turned around to see what she was panicking about. Once I did I saw a huge fire ball only a few inches away from me. I could move out of the way but I didn't want to. "MK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "Mei I what kind of friend am I? I said all of that mean stuff to you when you've never done that to me. You've only ever helped me and I could never do the same for you...What ever this thing is I deserve it. I deserve to suffer in pain, you also probably want this so I'll do it... for you" I let out a sob and looked at the fire ball that was about to be the death of me but something pushed me out of the way at the last second. We both tumbled into a bush and grunted. I opened my eyes and looked at the person on top of me. "Mei?" I said unitenionly, earning a hard slap to the face. "IF YOU THINK I'M JUST GOING TO WATCH YOU GET HURT YOU HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING! I MAY BE UPSET WITH YOU BUT I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT! YOUR MY BEST FRIEND, WERE THE LOVEABLE LITTLE SCAMPS AND WE STICK TOGETHER TILL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!" Mei yelled, her tears falling on my already wet cheeks. I looked up at her and burst into tears. "I'm sorry. I'M SORRY, I'M SO SO SORRY MEI! -hic- I DIDN'T MEAN ANY OF IT I SWEAR I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! MONKEY KINGS ALREADY GONE I-I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU TO!" I sobbed and pulled her down into a hug. "Mk I would never leave you. I know your not feeling the best with Monkey King aka your dad being gone and all, I was just going to go and find the others to clear my mind... do you remember back in 7th grade when I was fighting depression?" "Yeah?" I sniffle "You helped me concur it! You would visit me at my house almost every day to make sure I was eating enough and that I wasn't going to hurt myself! You helped me with everything I needed, I would also vent to you and I still do! Now." Mei slapped me again. "OW HEY!" I pushed her off me. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" "THAT WAS FOR TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF FOR ME!" She now slapped my right cheek. "OW!!" "AND THAT WAS FOR HIDING YOUR EMOTIONS FROM ME!" Mei scowled and stood up. She tapped her elbow a few times before she jumped and jabbed her elbow into my stomach. "OOF!" Tears returned back to my eyes. I could taste the noodles I had for breakfast coming back up my mouth. "AND THAT WAS FOR SAYING ALL THAT MEAN STUFF ABOUT ME!" I slowly sat up and flinched when her hand was coming towards me again. I waited for the slap to come but instead she grabbed my cheeks and kissed my forehead. "MWAH! And that was for you apologizing to me after saying all that mean stuff and for saying all that nice stuff to me. It definitely calmed me down thanks Mk." Mei smiled and I smiled back. "No problem-" "REDSON GET BACK HERE!" "N-NO! I DON'T WANNA LOOK AT THAT SELFISH BITCH LADY! SHE CAN GO SUCK MY FATHER'S ASS!!" Me and Mei looked at eachother before poking are heads out of bush to see what the commotion was about. Redson was running infront of Macaque, clutching his stomach and Macaque was behind him yelling at him to get back here. "Should we help?" I asked Mei. "Nah let's just watch for a few more minutes." "Sounds good to me." "REDSON STOP RUNNING SHE'S YOUR MOTHER! I KNOW YOU HATE HER AND SO DO I BUT YOU HAVE TO!" Macaque yelled but Redson only ran faster. "NO!" Redson screamed almost falling to the floor. I could see Redsons body start to spark, every step he took the grass below him burned to a crisp. "FINE THEN YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!" Macaque warned entering his shadow portal. "Man I wish I had some popcorn." Mei said next to me. I chuckled and nodded, though I didn't take my eyes off of Redson. "Same." I could see Redson shaking. He looked around and soon spotted me and Mei before he disappeared into his fire, and right on time as well because if he waited any longer Macaque would of grabbed him. "UGH! SON OF A BITCH! REDSO..." Macaque paused and dissappered into the ground. "AHHH-" "MK MEI HELP ME OUT HERE!" Macaque growled, magical in front of me and Mei. "SHIT! YOU SCARED US MONKEY!" Mei hissed. "That's not what I said. I said can you help me?" "Well what's going on?" I ask, chiming in on the conversation. "It's nothing just help me out, this fire demon won't listen..." "well if you're not going to tell us I don't see why we should help you." Macaques face reads annoyance. "If you help me I'll tell you, now are you in or not?" Mei and me look at eachother and nod are heads in agreement. "Oh you got yourself a deal." Macaque smirked and disappeared. "Okay Mei let's go find are self a demon." "YEAH!"


Hey so after a few day off I have decided that the chapters from now on are gonna be a LITTLE BIT shorter (but not as short as this one, this one was too short for my liking) because doing long chapters is just to much work and I'm burning myself out for them, and that is not worth five dollars-BUT DON'T WORRY THEY'LL STILL BE LONG (like 2850 or 2900 words) JUST NOT THAT LONG ANYMORE! (no more 3900 and 4000 word chapters) I hope you guys understand. Please and thank you BUT UNTIL NEXT TIME MY SILLY BILLY'S

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