Chapter 14

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Tharn growled in anger at the balls on that bitch who wants his throne. She has pushed back his army with the help of the Dark Ones, though they have destroyed the monster, sorcerer and vampire and demon with the help of the artifact that was retrieved from the museum. Once a Dark One is put inside they can never get out. Athena was responsible for trapping the ones already in the box and was hunting more with her men.

That event cause the fairy realm, werewolves from the human realm, the good witches of the witch realm, the noble creatures from the monster realm and dragon realm, the mermaid realm and the rest of the vampire who are against Ericka to join the fight. The monsters and dragons were on their way to the front to help there while surprisingly the werewolves and vampire teamed up to help the left flank. That left the mermaids and witches to help the right flank.

Tharn's cousins also join the fight voluntarily to the disapproval of Team. Win told him he had to fight to give their baby a future which Team reluctantly agreed. Everyone minus Korn and Tharn went of to join the frontline and push back the enemy. Type wanted to join but Tharn shot that down immediately saying he couldn't bare to lose him. Type shot back that he can handle himself now that he was properly trained but Tharn refused to listen.

Word reached him a few days later that the werewolf dark one was captured and that the tables were starting to turn, with the help of their allies Ericka's forces were being pushed back. Tharn hoped he could end this war quickly so he could properly propose and marry his mate.

Speaking of his mate, Type was born to be a leader. He isn't King yet but he already has plans in motion to help make life easier for the refugees while the war wages on. He turned abandon house into apartments for uprooted demons. He started a garden run by some of the refugees and got clean wells built. He took charge of making every single demon even though ones who weren't so happy that he and Tharn were going to be kings.

He has such a big heart which is one of the reasons he loves him. Type had fixed those broken parts in him and he has tried to do the same. Tharn took a deep breath and felt Type's worry through their bond. A second later, Type was next to him with a worried look on his face.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just want this war to be over so we can start our lives together."

"She will fall and we will have our happy ending." He said. "Have you fed yet?"

"Been too busy with running a kingdom." Type sighed annoyed before holding up his wrist.

"I know it's not human blood but we are out till Pick brings some tonight."  He said. Tharn took his wrist as his fangs and eyes turned red, he sank his fangs into his wrist. He made sure that the bite was pleasurable instead of painful.

As he drank he got surprised with flashes of memories and feelings from Type. He saw little Type running around with his friends feeling so happy, then it switched to family trips and feeling then it stopped at the night they met and what the monster did to him and how terrified he felt, it then switched to  him in highschool and how lonely he was even though he had friends and family with him.

Then it switched over to Type's dreams of him and how he longed to meet the man in his dreams, he felt how Type felt when he saw him for the first time in person, how shocked he was that he was real. He felt how much Type loved him and how much he had changed Type's life. Tharn let go and stared at Type before he licked his wound then looked up at him.

"I saw your memories" he said.

"What are you talking about?" Type said confused.

"I've never had this happen, maybe it's because we are bonded together."

"Tharn, what are you talking about?"

"I can see your memories of your childhood." He said and watched Type's face fall.

"How much of it?"

"When we are done with this damn war I will find that piece of shit and make sure she regrets ever laying eyes on you." He said. Type took a deep breath before grabbing Tharn's wrist.

"My turn"

"Type-" he said but it was too late as Type sank his teeth into his wrist. Flashes of Tharn's past hit him, how lonely and sad he felt when he was growing up in this palace. He got a glimpse of what his father put him through after he was turned and it pissed Type off. The only people who didn't treat him like filth from what he could tell was his Papa, his cousins and his sister. His father tried to banish him to the vampire realm but was told by his mate that if he banished Tharn then he would have to banish him to since Tharn wasn't going anywhere without his Papa.

He was shown how Athena stood up to his father on multiple occasions even when Tharn asked her not to. He felt how much he loved his sister. He was then shown memories of Tharn and his cousins and how his cousins wouldn't let him fall into his dark hole. He would have to thank them and Athena when he sees them next for not letting him fall deeper into his hole.

He was then shown Tharn's dreams of him and how he also longed to meet him. He felt how scared Tharn was when he showed up, thinking he was going to reject him just cause he was a vampire demon. He felt his happiness when Type decided to give him a chance to get to know him. He felt how Tharn felt utterly complete now that he was in his life.

Type pulled away from him then licked his wound before kissing it. He looked up at his whole world before straightening up then leaning over and kissing him.

"You make me feel complete too"

Hope you like this semi-light chapter

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