Chapter 2

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I just want to give a shout out to marimarriemary  for being an amazing person and always leaving nice and funny comments and being so supportive.

Type sighed as he unlocked the front door to his house and stepped in. Today was just as he predicted..boring. He had handed in the last of homework and was given the go ahead to graduate on Friday. He was excited that on Friday after graduation he would be getting his cousin back. He set his backpack on the floor by the door then put his keys on the table by it before taking his shoes off then making his way upstairs to his room. He was alone in the house since both his parents worked and wouldn't be home for a least another hour.

He flopped onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He wished he could take a nap  but he couldn't cause he would be there. He was always there. The man with the beautiful eyes and hair, a sexy jawline, thick eyebrows, cute ears and nose and those delicious looking lips.

Every day for the last nine years he had been having dreams about the man but had no clue who he was. Every dream was different and he never said a word, one dream was where they were in a big ballroom and they were dancing the waltz and staring into each others eyes. Type always tried to ask him his name but the words get stuck in his throat.

When he was young the dreams were of them chasing each other or playing games. When he turned fifteen they turned into different dreams, in one dream they would be in a car driving down on an endless road listening to music and holding hands. In another dream they were laying in a bed facing each other on their sides just staring at each other. The most recent dream had turned sexual, it had never been sexual before but this one was.

Type had been cooking when the mystery man came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him and started sliding his hands over his chest then slowly slid them down to his waist before slipping one hand into his pants and...Type shook his head trying to forget what the guy did to him in his dreams. They didn't go very far but it still wasn't something he should be thinking about. The man probably wasn't even real and it was just someone he made up to protect him from the nightmares when he was little.

Type sat up and looked down to see his hard on pressing against his slacks. He sighed and stood before heading to take a cold shower since he wasn't in the mood to make himself cum. Once his erection went away he got out of the shower and dried off before he went into his room to get dressed in comfortable clothes. Once he was done with that he went over to his desk and grabbed his laptop before he sat in his bean bag chair. He opened it and checked his social media accounts before checking his email. When he saw an email from Team he immediately clicked on it and read it.

Hey Type,

I'm sorry I can't be there for your graduation but I sent you something as a present from Win and I. I heard from Destiny that you were accepted to Hamilton College in New York, I hear it's one of the best schools to go to for writing. I hope you will do well there and have great adventures in New York. Win and I are doing well, we just got back from a trip to Italy for one of Win's cousin's birthday. It was fun and I have sent pictures that we took to show both you, my parents, sister and Destiny. Hope you are doing well, got to go since it's Win and I's turn to make dinner.

Love, Team

Type looked at the pictures of Team and Win in Italy, they looked to be in Rome. They looked happy which pissed Type off cause he knew it was fake and the blonde had obviously put some sort of spell on him. He closed his laptop and stood before putting it on his desk where it was originally before heading out to go check the mail to see if his present from Team and the evil demon was here.

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