Chapter 10

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Type followed Tin down a stone hallway until they got to double doors. From what he could see of inside the castle it wasn't exactly how he pictured it, he thought it would be more dark and scary but it wasn't. All of the hallways he had been through were a pretty gray with stone tile walls that were different shades of grey and different sizes. The ceiling were the same but they had archways, the floors were grey square tiles and their windows on the walls of almost every hallway to give light to the castle.

Tin turned to him and confused him when he bowed then straightened and gave him a smirk.

"Your Majesty, your mate awaits." He said as two lean looking demons opened the double doors. He gave Tin a weird look like he was crazy before entering the room. He froze when he saw how huge the room is, it looked like a library/study room. It was well designed and Type loved the designs on the ceilings.

A throat clear making him snap out of his amazement and look at the man he's in love with. He didn't even think about it as he rushed over to him and threw his arms around him and kissed him. He felt Tharn freeze for a second before relaxing and kissing him back as he wrapped his arms around his waist. They just stood there for a few minutes before Type pulled back.

"When you didn't come through the portal I thought some bad happened to you." He said.

"I'm fine, a lots happened since I left yesterday."

"Yesterday, Tharn it's only been two hours."

"In the human realm it is but in the demon realm we are a few hours ahead."

"Oh.." Type said. Tharn removed his hands from Type's waist then grabbed Type's arms and pulled them from his neck before taking his hand and pulling him towards one of the couch.

"What exactly is this place?" Type asked.

"It's a war room and sometimes there are meetings held here to discuss things of importance." Tharn said. "I have to tell you what has happened."

"Then tell me"

"My father has passed away last night."

" is Korn the new King and why are we here?" Type asked.

"My dad didn't update his will to say Korn is King so by right I am the rightful King of the Demon Realm." He said. Type was shocked, shocked but happy for him. Does that mean he's going to leave the human realm and live here without him?

"So you are moving here and becoming King, that's great I'm happy for you it's just what you wanted." He said pulling away from him mentally and physically. Tharn stopped him from moving which made Type look up at him.

"You think I'm going to move here without you, after changing many laws so that when we get married you could be King too instead of just a prince?" He said making Type's eyes widen.

"You did what?" He said shocked. Tharn took a deep breath he spoke.

"I love you Type, I know that you need some time to feel that way about me but from the first moment-" he said but Type cut him off by cupping his face and kissing him.

"I love you too" he said once he pulled back. Tharn smiled and Type's heartbeat started to beat faster.

"I like that my smile can make your heart race." He said.

"You can hear that, wait a minute of course you can with your vampire hearing." Type said making Tharn chuckle.

"You are adorable"

"I am not, so now that you are King what are you going to do about Ericka?" Type asked.

"I have sent a messenger to the vampire realm saying if they do not stop their plans and hand over Ericka there will be a war." He said.

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