Chapter 9

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Tharn watched the man who has been through so much shit in his life sleep. The man that despite that let him touch him and pleasure him, the man he would rather get in bed and sleep with instead of deal with Ericka's shit. The man that he was in love with with. Yes, Tharn was in love with Type and instead of being scared of it he welcomed it with open arms.

"Tharn?" Type's groggy voice said from the bed as he slowly sat up.

"Go back to sleep Sweetness"

"What time is it?" He asked.

"It's almost seven so sleep you need your rest."

"Not without you"

"I have some business to take care of with my father." He said.

"I'll come with" he said moving to get out of bed. Tharn used his super speed to get to him to stop.

"Sleep and I promise I will be back soon."

"I'm not going to sleep while you are with that asshole."

"I hear Team argue with Win in the kitchen about the same thing, he's crazy if he thinks he's going to the demon realm pregnant, some wild demons like to eat unborn demon babies."

"He's definitely not going but I'm not pregnant and I want to go, I've never seen the demon realm and I want too." Type said.

"I promise you that I will take you one day but right now I need you to look after Team."

"Low blow using family against me." He said making Tharn chuckle.

"I will do nearly anything to get your cute little ass to stay here where it's safe."

"Safe my ass, a vampire shifter tried to kill me in my own room!!"

"We put up different wards that make sure that a vampire shifter can't get in anymore." He said. "Please Type, do this for me and I promise I will do whatever you want when I get back."

"I swear to whatever mystical being out there that if he don't I will drag you back and tie you to this bed." He said before biting his lip and adding. "I'm trusting you Tharn, please don't break me."

"I promise I will come back to you, I'm just going to talk to my father then come back, I won't break you I promise."

"That's a lot of promises."

"I only make them with you" he said before kissing Type's nose.

"Will you do your magic snap thing you do and get me upstairs?" He asked making Tharn chuckle before he snapped his fingers and Type was dressed in new clothes along with Tharn before he snapped them again and they were upstairs in the living room.

"I swear Win sometimes I want to beat you with club." Team said.

"I'll help you with that." Type said making Win growl. Type chuckle before leaning up and kissing Tharn.

"See you when you get back." He said before going into the kitchen as Win came out. Four of the demon princes were coming along with Tharn and Win, while two were staying here to protect Team and Type. Pick, Nine, Tin and Korn were coming while Kongpob and Dean were staying. Tharn snapped his fingers and a portal to the castle of the Demon King opened and they walked through it. They were on their way to the throne room when they were stopped by his father's doctor and five of his father's advisors.

"Tharn, I am sorry to inform you that your father the Demon King has just passed away." The doctor said. Oh shit. Tharn was speechless he hadn't expected that, his father was a traditionalist and an asshole but he was still his father.

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