Chapter 7

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A little later Type watched as Tharn played pool with Tin and Pick, those three seemed closer than the rest of the cousins maybe that's why they like to live together on the forth floor. His thoughts turned to his main mission, if he was going to start trusting Tharn he wanted to know what everyone was hiding not just Tharn. He knew that something was off with his new family and he wanted in on it.

"Tharn?" He said making Tharn look over at him.

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be right back." He said making Tharn nod. Type headed into the dinning room before heading downstairs. Instead of going straight he went into the room with the freezer, he hesitated for a second before lifting the lid of the freezer he was told not to lift. He quickly closed it when he saw the content, what the hell was blood bags doing...oh shit....holy shit..he's a fucking vampire. He backed away from the freezer like it was on fire before running to their apartment and to his room.

Tharn was a vampire, he was shocked and he didn't know what to think, didn't he say he was a demon so wouldn't that make him a vampire demon. Oh god he kissed a vampire demon, a vampire demon that could kill him with just a flick of his wrist. Oh shit..was everyone a vampire or was it just Tharn. Type fell back onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. The most important question was now that he knows what was he going to do about it.

"Type?" A voice said from what sounded like down the hall. He opened the door and looked out to see Kongpob down at the entrance of the hallway intersection. What was he doing down here?

"What are-" he said but then gasped when Kong suddenly growled and lunged at him. He closed the door but that was useless as the person who was certain not Kongpob broke down the door. A woman with black hair, black make up, red eyes, fangs and wore a weird looking necklace and a black dress with slits up her dress to reveal long legs. She was definitely not Kong he thought as he screamed knowing someone would hear him.

 She was definitely not Kong he thought as he screamed knowing someone would hear him

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"Shut up bitch" she said before lunging at him. He grabbed the closest thing to him which was his laptop and started hit her face with it. He got a couple good hits in before she grabbed it and threw it at the wall. (A/N You have no idea how hard I laughed at that)

"THARNNNNN!!!" He yelled.

"TYPE!!!" Tharn voice said before he, Pick and Tin showed up in the doorway. The woman paled before she got the look of a determined woman and pulled a wicked looking knife out of a knife holder on her thigh which he didn't notice and tried to stab Type. Type heard a whoosh before he saw hands grab the woman's neck and then a cracking sound before she went limp, she would have fallen on Type if she hadn't been thrown back towards the door.

"Take her to the dark room and when she wakes up tell me cause I want to talk to her, be careful she's a vampire shifter." Tharn said before dealing with a panicked Type.

"Type, take a deep breath you are having a panic attack."

"I-I f-fucking k-k-know t-that, s-stay a-a-away f-from m-m-m-me, a-are y-y-you l-like h-h-h-her?" He stuttered out. Tharn got a confused look before recognition hit him.

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