Chapter 8

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Type sighed as he looked at his broken laptop, he would have to get a new one if he wanted to communicate with his parents and Destiny. As he threw the laptop in the trash he heard the door to the apartment being thrown open and he quickly grabbed the knife that the vampire shifter dropped when her neck was snapped and stood ready to fight. He relaxed and let out a breath as Team followed by an angry looking Win showed up in the doorway. Type was pretty sure that anger wasn't directed at him.

"Are you okay?" Team asked. "I know you don't want to talk to me but I heard you were attacked and I-" he said but was cut off after Type dropped the knife and went over to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for every stupid fight, every hurtful thing I said." Type said as tears fell from his eyes.

"Me too, I'm sorry I let you down, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me." Team said as tears fell from his eyes too.

"I love you Team"

"I love you too Type" he said before Type pulled back and wiped tears from his eyes.

"What the fuck happened?" Team asked wiping his own tears away.

"Some crazy ass vampire shifter tried to kill me but Tharn saved me." He said making Win tense.

"What?" Type said. "Do you know something about my attacker?" Team turned to glare at Win.

"You better tell us or you will be sleeping on the couch and no sex for three weeks."

"The attacker was a minion of Erika's" Tharn said from the intersection of the hallway making them all look at him.

"The bitch who turned you?" Team said.

"Yes" Tharn said before looking at Win.

"We need to talk"

"Okay, all of us need to talk cause there is no way Team and I are being left out of this." Type said.

"Yeah, I agree" Team said before Tharn sighed and snapped his fingers, they were now in the living room.

"Family meeting right now!!" Tharn yelled. Six separate whooshes were heard before six demon princes appeared.

"Are you okay?" Kong asked concerned.

"I'm okay, I had a moment but I'm fine." Type said.

"I snapped her neck and Pick and Tin put her in the dark room in a cell, before she was executed she told me of Ericka's plans." Tharn said.

"And they are?" Dean asked.

"Boys, we are going to war with the vampire realm minus Techno who has sworn allegiance to the throne and is currently in hiding till I send for him."

"Wait a minute, how did we go from taking a prisoner to we are going to war?" Type asked.

"Ericka wants me to help her take over the throne, she knows my dad is sick and thinks she can over throw him with her minions and....the dark one."

"Oh fuck no, she woke the dark ones!!" Win said.

"Who are the dark ones?" Team asked.

"They are six of the most evil creatures on this earth, each comes from a different realm and each locked in a single book heavily guarded but apparently now they are out and we are in deep shit." Pick said.

"What realms?" Type asked hesitantly. He wasn't sure he wanted to know now.

"The vampire realm, the dragon realm, the werewolf realm, the monster realm, the demon realm and the sorcerers realm."

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