Chapter 6

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Type sighed as he turned over in bed for the fifth time. He couldn't sleep, his thoughts were to all over the place. He looked at the clock on the nightstand to see it was almost one o'clock in the morning. He had said his goodnights to Tharn three hours ago and for about an hour and a half he tried to go to sleep but his thoughts about the day he had yesterday weren't allowing him too.

He flipped onto his back and stared at the ceiling trying not to do what he knew might help him fall asleep. When he was little and he couldn't sleep he would sneak out his window and walk a few houses down to Team's house, climb into his window he always kept a little open for him and got into his bed. Team would always throw an arm around him to make him feel safe and that would get him to sleep.

He WAS NOT going to climb into Tharn's bed and have him put his arm around him to get him to fall asleep. He was a grown ass seventeen year old who didn't need help getting to sleep. He sighed before sitting up in bed, he hated nights like this, they were the most annoying but he could handle it more than the nightmares. A knock on his door made him tense before remembering that Tharn locked the apartment door so no one could get in.

"Come in" he said. The door opened and Tharn stood there in the doorway only in his briefs making Type have to remember how to breath.

"Can't sleep?" He asked.


"Me either" he said. Type hesitated for a few seconds before he patted the empty spot next to him on the bed. He kept reminding himself that Tharn wasn't going to hurt him as Tharn walked into the room and closed the door before walking over to the empty side of the bed and getting in. He laid down facing him as Type laid back down facing him as well.

"You want to talk about whatever is on your mind?" He asked.

"When I was little I sometimes couldn't sleep and would sneak out of my window and go to Team's house where he would put his arm around me so I would feel safe enough to fall asleep." He said. "We did that all the way up till a few days before he graduated and came here, since then whenever I can't sleep I just don't sleep, it probably happens at least two or three times a week but not always back to back since sometimes I can go a two days without needing help. I tried going to the village doctor and he couldn't find anything physical wrong with me and that it is mental for me."

"Do you want me to put my arm over you to help you sleep?" He asked. Type hesitated for a few seconds before he slowly nodded. Tharn moved his arm over Type who closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As he started to feel safe he slowly fell asleep.

Tharn watched as his mate slept, he had been awake in his room since he left Type but refused to go to sleep until he knew Type was. Three hours had past and his mate seemed to be struggling to sleep so he decided to see if he could help. When Type had patted the empty side of the bed he was surprised but welcomed it, then when he told him the story of how sometimes he couldn't sleep he knew that he would do anything to help him sleep.

He smiled when his mate unconscious scooted closer to him. He couldn't help himself as he leaned over and kissed Type's forehead.

"I will always be here to help you sleep Sweetness." He said before slowly falling asleep.

Type woke up to a sleeping Tharn, he moved his head back a little noticing how close they were. He looked over to the clock on the nightstand to see it was almost twelve. He looked back and jumped a little when he saw a pair of eyes looking at him.

"Good morning" Tharn said.

"Morning" he said settling back down onto his pillow.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

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