Chapter 16

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Type's whole world collapse as he watched that bitch stake his boyfriend. He watched his body drop and something woke up in him things froze and the next thing he knew he was back sitting in his chair looking at Athena and his cousins while...Tharn was sitting next to him looking annoyed. What the hell just happened? He stood drawing everyones attention.

"How is this possible?"

"Are you okay?" Tharn said standing. Type grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

"I thought I lost you forever"

"You aren't making sense Sweetness." Tharn said confused. Type pulled away and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"I just watched you die in front of my eyes." He said making Tharn's eyes widen.

"What is he talking about?" Korn said concerned.

"I think he's telling the truth, I sense no deception." Athena said.

"He has the power of time travel." Kongpob said astonished.

"Time travel?" Type said.

"Team was kidnapped by my father and when he tried to force himself on Team, Team burned him with angel light." Win said. "After you get your bond mark, you are granted by angels a power to help protect yourself."

"Makes sense" Type said before looking at Tharn. "She is coming and she is bring the Dark Dragon, she's going to stake you." Tharn looked over to Athena.

"Raise the alarm, close the gates and have the guards search the castle and grounds."

"It will be done" she said before turning to her lieutenant and telling her to get it done. Her lieutenant left as she turned back to her brother. "Your majesty, I would like to stay with you for your protection."

"I don't-"

"I would feel better if she was here, she's the best fighter we have." Type said. Tharn sighed before nodding.

A few hours later, they had plan their attack well and as it was getting to the time where Erika was supposed to show up. Type was getting really nervous, he wasn't sure if he could save him again if things went bad but he was sure about one thing. He was damn sure going to try.

A loud commotion made him tense making Tharn take his hand. Athena and her cousins plus the guard got into position right before the doors burst open. Korn went into action using his super speed to knock the dark dragon through the window where he would handle him.

"This is going to be fun" Pick said before following them out the window. Ericka looked up at Tharn with a sadistic smile.

"Thanks for keeping my seat warm." She said.

"This seat will never be yours." Tharn said wishing she would take a couple more steps forward. Her smile dropped and she took a few steps forward making the group step back with their weapons raised. Tharn and Type had to hold back their smiles as she just fell into their trap. The guard

"NOW" Tharn yelled before flames came up from the floor in a circle around her. She growled and tried to use her super speed to get out of it but she was thrown back onto her back. She quickly stood and finally notice the witches finish their enchantment.

"It is done" one of the witches said.

"Thank you, your debt to the crown has been paid." Tharn said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty" They both said before leaving.

"Clever getting witches involved."

"This all could have been avoided if you weren't such a power hungry, murderous bitch." Tharn said.

"So what do you plan to do with me now?" She asked.

"You are being sentenced to eternity in the artifact with no escape being tormented by not only the dark ones but also your own failure." Type said making Ericka growl at him and show fangs.

A few minutes later a bloody Korn and Pick came through the open doors. Korn threw the box in the circle making Ericka back up quickly. The box started to glow and black smoke started to come out of it. Ericka started to scream as the black smoke started to over her. When the smoke covered her from head to toe the screaming stopped. The smoke lifted and Ericka was gone. It was finally over.

I really couldn't figure out what I wanted to do so if it sucks I apologize

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