Chapter 5

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Type watched as Tharn came into the apartment with a tray of food for him. He noticed that there wasn't a plate for Tharn.

"Where is your plate?" He asked.

"I already ate" Tharn replied. Type just nodded as Tharn set the tray on the coffee table before taking a seat on the couch. Type noticed that Tharn avoided touching him which he said he would do. Type appreciated the effort, knowing that he was a least trying was good enough for him. As he ate they talked, mostly about their family, he talked about his parents briefly but talked more about Destiny and how she is going to college at Berkeley in California. She wanted to become a childrens social worker to help kids and families with anything and everything.

Tharn talked about his little sister Rosie and how close they were and how she hated that he had to leave to live here. He talked about his Papa who he was closer to than his father. The Demon King sounded like an asshole to Type when he heard all the stuff that happened after an accident that happened a long time ago. Tharn didn't go into details about the incident so Type didn't push to know what happened.

"So I was thinking that we should go-" Tharn said when they heard someone try to open the apartment door.

"Tharn, I just want to talk to him." Team said through the door. Tharn growled before saying.

"Go away Team, until Type wants to see or talk to you stay away."

"Please, he needs to know that I am sorry I hurt his feelings."

"Hurt my feelings?" Type said furiously. He stood and went over to the door and unlocked it before throwing it open, almost hitting Team with it when he did.

"You think you just hurt my feelings, how about broke the only trust I had in people, you told me if I needed you that you would be there for me and I needed you today at my graduation and I needed you when my parents finally decided to get a divorce and I needed you to go with me to America....but no, you chose you precious husband instead of your own family, I don't want to talk to you or see you so just leave me alone." He said before closing the door on a shocked Team. He locked the door before turning to face Tharn who sat there calmly looking at him. He moved back to where he was before before asking.

"What happened when I was asleep?"

"He came into the apartment and told me he wanted to see you and I told him that he lost your trust and until you want to talk to him to stay away from you."

"Thank you, I just need time to heal."

"Take all the time you need."

"So what do you do around here for fun?" Type asked changing the subject.

"In the apartment there is a TV and it has Netflix on it and cable, I also have a playstation and X-box and in the house there is a game room that just got an upgrade, we now have not only a pool table but a hockey table, pingpong table, foosball table and arcade games." Tharn said as Type's eyes widened.

"You guys must be fucking rich." He said making Tharn chuckle.

"Do you want a house tour and maybe meet some of the guys?" He asked. Type looked really hesitant before Tharn put him at ease a little.

"I promise that Team won't bother you and you don't have to meet the guys unless you want too." He said.

"As long as Team and Win stay as far away as possible then I'm okay with the house tour and meeting the guys." He said making Tharn smile.

"Ok, hold on one second" he said before snapping his fingers and disappearing. Type knew from when Win snapped his fingers and made the scroll with the deal on it appear that the demon prince's have magic so it didn't freak him out as much when he did that. A seconds later Tharn appeared by the apartment door.

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