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Eight months later...

Type burst through the portal into the human realm and covered his ears at the unholy scream that was coming from upstairs.

"God that man can bring the house down with his screams." Type said as Tharn stepped out of the portal.

"I could say the same about you but in a much more pleasurable way." Tharn said slapping his ass.

"Fuck off" Type said before heading towards the stairs.

"I plan to"

It had been an extremely long eight months trying to both plan a coronation for Type and a wedding at the same time but they pulled it off and are just waiting for Win and Team's son to be born. Orion was to be born today and Type promised that he would be there for the birth, not in the room but be there waiting in their living room with the rest of the family.

Repairing a kingdom was also a full time job but they had finally had the five villages repaired and the refugees back to their own houses. Type now hoped for some peace and quiet. As they listened to the doctor tell Team to push and Team then tell the doctor to fuck off, he really wish he was either down in the basement or back in their bedroom at the palace.

They did talk again about whether they wanted to live here or in the palace and Type had said that he wanted their kids to grow up in a place where they didn't feel eyes on them and could grow up without the pressure of being the heir to the throne. Tharn understood that so they said that they would use the palace as their job and when it was time to retire for the night then they would come back here. Also Type.had to stay here when he gets pregnant since even when you are a vampire, the uncivilized demons will still want to eat the baby.

Everyone looked up and smiled when they heard a baby crying. They all started talking about who the baby would look like more. Type stayed quiet knowing from his time travel that he would look more like Win. He had been practicing and at first it was really hard but once he got the hang of it he then started practicing traveling to the future. After his fifth attempt he finally succeeded and went to the time of his wedding. Thinking about the wedding always got him thinking about the proposal.

Flashback to eight months ago...

Type let out the breath he had unknowingly been holding when Tharn locked up the artifact forever. The war was finally over and he could finally start his forever with Tharn.

Tharn turned to look at him then opened a portal. Type peaked in before pulling back and looking at Tharn.

"You really think this is the best time to go to Hawaii." He said. Tharn just picked him up bridal style and walked through the portal.

"I can walk" he said wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck.

"It's easier this way" he said before using him super speed to get to where he wanted them to be. It was a beautiful field overlooking the ocean.

"Tharn, what are we doing here?" he asked. "We needed to get back to start-" He froze when Tharn got down on one knee while reaching into his pocket and pulling out a golden ring.

"I promised myself that when the war finally ended I would take you somewhere beautiful and propose. Now here we are so that means there is just one more thing I need to do."

"Tharn..." He said in shock. He knew that he would propose eventually but not right after all that.

"Type, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?"

"Yes" he said without hesitation.

Flashback ends..

Now here they were waiting for Win to say it is okay to see Orion. Footsteps on the spiral stairs stopped the talk before Win appeared with tears in his eyes.

"You guys can go see him." He said. Type without any hesitation used his super speed to be the first one to get upstairs to see the baby.

He opened the door to Win and Team's room to see the doctor finishing up closing his bag.

"Congratulations Prince Team" he said before bowing to both Team and Type.

"Thanks" Team said before the doctor left. Type smiled before going over to the bed to look at the baby he'd seen before.

"Hello Orion, it's nice to finally meet you again."

"Again?" Team said confused.

"I'll tell you later but first I need you to drink this, it will heal you so you can go to the wedding in two hours." He said biting into his wrist and pouring the blood into an empty cup that was next to the bedside desk. Team took the glass and drank it all, wincing at the taste.

"Sorry about that but it's worth it I promise." Type said. Team nodded after swallowing the whole thing. Today couldn't be any better.

Two hours later, Type was walking down the aisle towards an emotional Tharn. Once he arrived he took Tharn's hands as the head priestess talked about what a commitment they were making today. It was stupid since they were already mated but they let it go cause it was sorta true.

"Do you Tharn take Type to be your lawful husband?"

"I do"

"And do you Type take Tharn to be your lawful husband?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you husbands."They both smiled before leaning in for a quick kiss. Type then turn and the high priestess put a crown on his head and made him recite some words before he officially became King Type. They walked hand in hand down the aisle as people congratulated them and wished them luck.

The rest of the night was a blur but when they were in their living room in the human realm. Type finally told him some even better news.

He was pregnant.

The End

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