Chapter 11

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Type sat on the bed naked watching Tharn pace back and forth in front of the bed. He had been pacing butt ass naked for almost fifteen minutes straight without saying a word no matter how hard he tried to get him too.

"Why the hell do you want to be a vampire?" He said stopping in front of the bed to look at him. "I mean you don't understand the hunger that comes with being a vampire, you will crave blood so strongly that humans in five miles radius will be a target."

"You and Team wouldn't let me hurt Team and there are wards to keep me from the village." Type said. "And also I don't want to die and leave you, I want to be with you forever and if that means I have to be a vampire then so be it."

"I'm not turning you into a vampire!!" He yelled.

"You have the choice of being with me forever and instead of taking it you refuse!!" Type yelled back get up from the bed.

"You really want to become a vampire?" He asked with a sigh.

"Yes, I want to spend forever and ever with you, our kids and our grandchildren."

"You should know a few things about my family before I change you." Tharn said before he told him that his cousins had their own special powers besides demon powers. He also told him Team had one special power due to mating with Win. He didn't tell him exactly what their powers were.

"Wait a minute, do I get a super power too?"

"Yes, the Angels give every chosen one a power after they mate and get their tattoo to protect themselves from their mate's enemies. Team's showed up when Win's dad tried to hurt him but that story isn't mine to tell."

"I wonder what mine is?" Type asked.

"I just hope that it isn't taken away from you if I turn you."

"When you turn me I will be able to protect myself with the powers I will get from being a vampire"

"Promise me something?"


"Don't regret it" he said before walking over to him. He bite into his wrist before giving it to Type, Type looked at it for a second before taking it and drinking it. It definitely didn't taste great but he swallowed as much as he could before Tharn removed it from his mouth. Tharn stared at him for a second before he leaned over and kissed him. Type didn't see it coming as Tharn snapped his neck and everything went dark.

Tharn picked Type up before he could hit the floor. He couldn't believe that he just turned his mate into a vampire, he couldn't believe his mate wanted to be a vampire. He would do anything to make his mate happy but this wasn't what he expected he'd have to do to make him happy. He wasn't exactly thrilled about it but in the end he was a little happy that he didn't have to watch his mate grow old and die.

He set his mate on the bed before snapping his fingers to make a blood bag appear, he didn't need to drink from a human vein to finish the transition but he did need blood. Tharn watched as his mate gasped for breath and sat up clutching his throat. He looked up at him pleading for him to help. He gave him the blood bag and Type open the top and took a sip of it before he drank all of it in a few gulps.

His skin turned back to its original color and his eyes turned red from drinking the blood but it would go back to their normal color once he was finished. Tharn could also see Type's fangs slowly ascend as he finished drinking the blood bag. Type took a deep breath after he slowly lowered the blood bag before he looked at Tharn as his eyes went back to normal.

"Feeling better?" Tharn asked. Type smiled before standing and kissing him.

"A little hungry but other than that I feel fine." Type said as there was a knock on the door.

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