Chapter 1: The Way Home.

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Well... Shit.  I think to myself, as I sit alone in the back of my family's hearse, Lurch driving as always, on my way back home.  Another message from the unknown number, more pictures of me.  I don't know who this stalker is, nor do I know why they are following me.  I already finished off Crackstone, saved the school, survived being stabbed, survived death multiple times, and I am still not sure why my success in those areas has not scared off this person or thing, already.  After everything that just happened, I was hoping for my version of a relaxing break before the next semester starts.  Not as excited to be back rooming with Enid, although I wouldn't want anyone else, seeing as she is the most tolerable person, or wolf, at that school.  Speaking of, I didn't bother waiting to see her to say goodbye.  She ran off early to say goodbye to Yoko and Ajax and them, or at least say goodbye to Yoko, she said something about Ajax messaging her saying it was important.  But before I could get a chance to say anything or press her on any affairs she ran out, maybe in tears?  I am unsure though, all I know is that Lurch arrived on time and I was not about to stay the break at Nevermore. 

I start to think back on that night, and the memory of Tyler holding me against the tree stump, underneath a blood moon starts to flood back.  Alone, so close to death, when a massive wolf came to my aid.  I have always had a fascination with werewolves, ever since I was a kid.  But I had little time to even look over the majestic creature in front of me since my priorities were to find Crackstone. But before I ran off to finish what was started, I realized, that it was Enid who saved me.  Deep down, somewhere in my cold black heart, I think I felt... Scared?  I felt something when I had to leave Enid behind.  Maybe I was just feeling thankful for Enid saving my life.  I wouldn't have been able to save the school without her, maybe she's somewhat right about her statement of "We work, I don't know why, but we do."  So I guess I didn't quite save the school all on my own, as much as I am, grateful?, for Enid helping, I can't help but get angry at the fact she put herself in danger.  She could have died, and all although I love the idea of death, watching people suffer and die, for some reason, if Enid would have gotten hurt or worse... I shake that thought from my head, it makes me... feels something.

I don't know what I felt that night, or what I am feeling now.  But realizing that Enid had to fight the Hyde by herself, made something in me burn or uneasy.  I was never good with emotions, I have vowed never to cry, never to show much emotion at all, ever since I was a kid.  Especially after the incident with Nero.  I especially hated physical touch, the thought of affection, all that made me want to hurl.  I never understood how my parents can be so touchy and close.  It's sickening, and not in a good way.

But after defeating Crackstone, after the few breaths I was able to take after it was all over, the only thing that crossed my mind, was wondering if Enid was okay.  I was in too much pain to run, but my mind was running at the thought of Enid being hurt or worse.  It gave me a headache.  So I slowly made my way to the front gates where all the students should have been, silently limping, pain radiating with every step but not unbearable.  Finally exiting the fog, at the front gates, I see Enid, her face bloody and cut, in a pink sweater covering herself.  She runs up and...

Hugs me.

Normally I hate hugs, even hugs that last less than 5 seconds.  The ONLY hugs that I can barely tolerate are from my family.  But even then I never return the affection.  She knew how much I hated them but hugged me anyways.  I think it was out of relief or fear but I am uncertain.  She hugged me to which I instinctively stepped back from the sudden, bone-crushing hug.  She realized her mistake and immediately let go.  But seeing her face, her cuts, the blood, those blue eyes full of tears...  Something inside me felt like it was burning.  And something caused me to grab her and pull her back into a hug.

I hugged Enid.

In front of the entire school, or most of the school, I hugged her.  I am still not sure why, or how.  But I did.  But for some reason, I don't quite regret it.  Granted, I wish it would not have been in front of the other students.  But seeing her, realizing she was okay and didn't die at the hands of the Hyde, it made me feel something, something strong enough to hug her back.  Feelings.  They give me a headache.  I start to rest my head again, I don't want to think about this entire car ride, so I close my eyes.  Not even 10 seconds later, I am disturbed again.

*buzz buzz*

Great, probably another set of photos and threats. But it wasn't. I looked down and opened the phone.

The message was from Enid.


Quick Note:

Hi All! I apologize for this chapter being short, I am working on fixing it to be longer. The chapters following begin to lengthen and start to really tell the story. If you all have any suggestions about the story or the way it's written, please feel free to comment and let me know! I haven't written a fanfic in a while but I hope you all enjoy it.

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